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According to Tom Lehrer, it's HCKCPW, which are (or at least were, at the time he attended college) the initial letters of the Boston Subway subway stations from Harvard to central Boston (Harvard-Central-Kendall/MIT-Charles/MGH-Park-Washington).

Today this would be a segment of the Red Line, except that Washington is now called "Downtown Crossing".

If you'd like to know the lyrics to the whole song, you could just search for the first line "H is for my alma mater Harvard." The tune is the same as "Mother" ("M is for the many things she gave me").

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The sound effect of spit can be written as "pht" or "spit" in comic books and scripts to convey the sound of saliva being expelled from the mouth. Alternatively, you can describe the sound as a "ptuh" or a "pthoo" to mimic the sound of spitting.

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How does the Doppler Effect effects sound?

The Doppler Effect causes the frequency of sound waves to change when the source of the sound or the listener is in motion. When a sound source is moving towards the listener, the frequency appears higher (higher pitch), and when moving away, the frequency appears lower (lower pitch). This effect is commonly experienced when a car passes by and the pitch of the sound changes.

The change in pitch of a sound caused by motion of either the sound source or receiver is known as what?

The change in pitch of a sound caused by motion of either the sound source or receiver is known as the Doppler effect.

How would you write a spooky sound?

A spooky sound could be written as "eeerie wail" or "haunting moan." The key is to use descriptive words that convey a sense of fear or unease, such as "creepy creak" or "ghostly whisper." Experiment with different combinations of words to create a chilling effect.

What is the sound effect d trix the Dominic show uses when someone tells a joke?

The sound effect d-trix from The Dominic Show uses when someone tells a joke is usually the sound of crickets chirping. This sound effect is commonly used in comedy to signify that a joke has fallen flat or was not funny.

Where did danisnotonfire get his sound effect?

Dan Howell, also known as danisnotonfire, got his sound effect from a YouTube channel called He used the sound effect in his videos as a signature feature that became popular among his fans.

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Is spit a onomatopoeia?

No, spit is not an onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia refers to words that imitate or suggest the sound they describe, like "meow" or "boom". "Spit" is a regular word that does not imitate a sound.

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Its a Humanizer effect that is for what i know, only on the boss rack multi effect he uses

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NOT venom, I have one as a pet, keep carefully, they spit an acidic something, no effect on the skin, but burns the eye or in the body (found out after it spat into my mouth)

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Yes. The I in split is a short I as in lit, sit, and spit.

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The Doppler Effect causes the frequency of sound waves to change when the source of the sound or the listener is in motion. When a sound source is moving towards the listener, the frequency appears higher (higher pitch), and when moving away, the frequency appears lower (lower pitch). This effect is commonly experienced when a car passes by and the pitch of the sound changes.

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To create a mesmerizing effect with the rhythms of meter and rhyme. /Apex

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