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Q: How do you write the sound of sticking your tongue out?
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Related questions

What does P mean in text messages?

:-p is a sideways face sticking its tongue out at you.

How do you make a smily face with the tongue sticking out?

Write a : then a p and put them together to make a smiley face with its toung sticking out (sideways) :p

Where can you find Selena Gomez sticking out her tongue?

You can probably find her sticking out her tongue in private.

Why is an ice cube sticking to tongue?

Due to the saliva and temperature which is radiating from the tongue.

What are the things sticking up on your tongue?

your epiglottis

What does pfft mean in chat?

It's not just in chat, it's every day language. It usually means disbelief and a bit of derision about oneself or someone else, or about something, as in "pfft, are you joking?", "pfft, that will never happen". Read it kinda like "yeah, right!"

Can you put a no contract phone into a plan?

Sticking your tongue out

What is the name of the skateboard with the tongue sticking out?

Santa Cruz

What is the logo that has a tongue sticking out?

The Rolling Stones band logo features a tongue sticking out. It was designed by artist John Pasche in 1970 and has since become an iconic symbol of the band.

What is getting your tongue pierced like?

Like sticking out your tongue and having someone jab an icepick through it.

Why does Albert Einstein's famous picture have his tongue sticking out?

The famous picture of Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue was taken on his 72nd birthday in 1951 as a playful response to the paparazzi and photographers who were hounding him for a smile. Einstein wanted to convey his distaste for the attention and to keep things light-hearted. The photo has since become an iconic image that captures his sense of humor and personality.

Is my dog sticking the tip of his tongue sticking out connected with kidney problems?

Could be teeth problems or thirst or nausea