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"Herpes" (from the Greek for 'crawl') refers to a large family of viruses that cause disease in humans and other animals. The first three types - see the list below - will produce skin blisters when they are active. The others mostly cause general flu-like illness. According to the Center for Disease Control, 90% of the US population have been infected with one or more herpes viruses. Once infected, these viruses remain in the body.

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus. It is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact with the affected area of another person's body, when the virus is active, and with friction. The virus cannot crawl or dig its way through the skin. It can be transmitted during childbirth from mother to newborn if the mother is having her very first outbreak. If the mother has had it a while (two months or more) then the newborn will have the mother's antibodies (temporary protection) and cannot catch it during birth.

Here are a few typical ways to catch herpes simplex:

  • Cold sores: kissing or saliva when the virus is active
  • Genital herpes: having sex with an infected person when the virus is active
  • Oral sex will pass a facial infection to the other person's genitals - or from genitals to the other person's face.

There are eight human herpes viruses - each one causes a different illness. Only herpes simplex and varicella zoster virus are caught on the skin. How each type is transmitted:

  • Herpes simplex - types 1 and 2 (usually called cold sores or genital herpes) - kissing or sexual contact
  • Varicella Zoster (usually called chicken pox & shingles) - contact or respiratory route
  • Epstein-Barr (usually called mononucleosis, 'mono' or kissing disease) - saliva
  • Cytomegalovirus - contact, saliva, transfusions, transplants, congenital
  • Herpes Herpes virus-6 - contact or respiratory route
  • Human Herpes virus-7 - unknown transmission
  • Human Herpes virus-8 (cause of Kaposi's sarcoma) - possibly exchange of body fluids

In short: You contract herpes simplex by some part of your body touching someone who is infected on one of their lesions. This typically occurs during sexual relations.

Herpes is spread from person to person by direct skin-to-skin contact with the affected part, when the virus is active. The website has full information on the 'Frequently Asked Questions' page.

A condom can be useful in protecting a man's partner if it covers the area where the man gets his outbreaks. It may not protect a person as if the symptoms come elsewhere in the pelvic area, which is not protected by a condom.

Herpes is one of the most misunderstood viruses out there. The simple truth is that 90% of the adult population has it but doesn't realize it. If you ever get a fever blister you have herpes simplex. The only difference between mouth herpes and the other kind is simply where it's located. It's the same virus, resting at the back of your brain until something triggers it and you get an outbreak.

Herpes travels through the skin when it rubs together with someone who has herpes just had a break out or has a break out in progress. Herpes then goes onto replicate in the skin cells usually creating a blister, and lies dormant near the spinal column but it's important to remember that herpes simplex is not passed through blood.

Herpes is passed by skin to skin contact: sex, kissing, oral sex... those will do it.

Ever have a cold sore? You have herpes.

It comes from unprotected sex when a person is having an outbreak or even

when the sores aren't visible there is still shedding always practice safe sex the safest is abstinence.

Herpes can also be transmitted when there are no symptoms present and be dormant for a long period of time before you recognize any signs or symptoms.

It is also possible to contract genital herpes from a cold sore on a partner's mouth or face through oral sex. It is possible to pass the virus on even if they did not have a cold sore present at the time of contact.

To help prevent transmission it is important not to engage in any activities that involve touching the affected area while there are sign or symptoms, this includes itching, tingling or irritation on the skin.

How a person can contract Cold Sores

Cold sores are generally contracted from skin to skin contact with an infected area. For example, if someone has a cold sore on their lip they can pass on the virus to another person's mouth through kissing.

The usual incubation period of the virus (time before any symptoms show) is approximately two to twelve days after the first exposure to the virus. As most people contract cold sores before the age of seven, it is common for a person not to remember their first or 'primary' cold sore outbreak.

Once infected with cold sores, the virus remains inside the body in a latent (sleeping) state. Throughout a person's life the virus can then become "activated" causing a cold sore recurrence.

Yes, herpes is very contagious and can be passed via sexual contact and also kissing.

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8y ago
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10y ago

Herpes is spread directly through skin to skin contact. In other words if you have a cold sore and kiss someone, you may transfer the virus to their mouth. the same applies to active genital herpes. If you have genital herpes and have vaginal or anal intercourse, your partner may become infected as well. Keep in mind that, if you have a cold sore and have oral sex, you can give your partner genital herpes. Herpes is most readily passed on when a sore is present. it is also more likely to be spread during what are referred to as "Prodromal Symptoms" this is when itching, tingling or other sensations are noticed on the affected area, before anything is visible.

There is also a possibility that this infection spreadsbetween visible outbreaks. This is known as "Asymptomatic Transmission."

Herpes simplex infections are often spread by people who don't know they are infected. These people may have very mild symptoms or don't recognize them as herpes. Often genital herpes infections may be caught from persons who are asymptomatic "Shedders" of the virus. People that recognise the symptoms of herpes are less likely to spread this infection. and by avoiding direct contact during and around outbreaks in most cases a transfer of the infection can be avoided. The use of condoms can also decrease the risk of sexual infection.

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10y ago

Any sexual contact with a partner who is infected can lead to contracting the Herpes virus. That can include kissing someone with a cold sore, having oral, vaginal, or anal sex also. You can even contract it while using a condom if a sore is exposed.

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12y ago

Well one way to get herpes and this is how i got it...i was licking the penises of the stray dogs running around my neighborhood since i was so sexually frustrated so i wouldnt suggest doing that unless you want to get herpes.

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14y ago

It is a virus (herpes simplex type I usually) that is passed when people come in contact with oral secretions from a person who is infected. People with fluid filled vessicles and open, non-crusted, lesions generally are contagious but they can shed virus at other times and so can never be reliably determined to not be contagious.

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13y ago

Herpes is spread from skin to skin contact with an infected person.

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15y ago

really? wear a condom

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15y ago

By contact of sexual organs

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13y ago

Skin to skin contact transfers herpes.

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How do you know if you have HSv-1?

Herpes simplex virus 1 is the virus that causes fever blisters and cold sores.Herpes simplex virus ll is the virus that is responsible for genital herpes.There are anti viral medications that you can take to help reduce outbreaks of herpes,(Valtrex) but it is still possible to spread it even when no signs are present.It IS possible to spread HSv-1 by oral sex. If you have a fever blister and preform oral sex on someone, you can give them genital herpes. Just as someone with genital herpes can spread it to you by oral, vaginal or anal sex . Please use protection if you have genital herpes. marlin

What is common about the herpes virus?

It has nothing to do with colds or flu. Herpes are cold sores, chicken pox, Shingles, and genital herpes. They are all spread thru direct contact.

Can you get Genital herpes?

Any sexual activity involving genital-genital contact can transmit the herpes virus.

A person infected with genital herpes can pass on the infection even if what isn't present painful blisters discharge and itch pus and mucus chancre sores?

according to, genital herpes can be spread via sores. but can be spread via blood if sores are not present. so the answer is sores!

Is it possible to get a genital herpes to somebody not through sex but by just using someones panty?

The chance is very small. Once herpes hits air the virus will die almost instantly. Herpes isn't likely to rub on the surface of a towel, toilet, clothing or other items. If the herpes virus happened to rub on the surface of an item the virus would die before a person came in contact with the virus. Some studies report herpes could spread by sharing a drink but the chance is almost non existent. You can get genital herpes through genital-genital contact or genital-oral contact with someone who has herpes infection. The virus is most easily spread through contact with open sores. But you also can get the virus from skin that does not appear to have a sore. You can become infected with the herpes virus without having intercourse.

What are facts about genital herpes?

Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. It can be transmitted through oral, vaginal, or anal sex with an infected person. Symptoms can include painful sores or blisters on the genital area, flu-like symptoms, and itching or tingling sensations. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms with antiviral medication and practicing safe sex to prevent transmission.

Can you get genital herpes from irritating the tissues from a baby wipe?

You can't get genital herpes from irritating the tissues from a baby wipe.

Is Genital herpes a disease?

Yes it is and it's a very common viiral infection. It's spread when you're genitals rub together during intercourse with some one that has herpes.Genital herpes is communicable.

What type of category is genital herpes?

I'm assuming the question refers to Genital Herpes. Herpes is officially labeled as a Virus, and being a virus it is officially known to have no cure.

What if your partner has anal herpes does this mean he has genital herpes?

He also has the plague.

Are cold sores contagious rights after you get them like say I was infected then 2 days later kissed my girlfriend could she get cold sores?

Yes, they are very contagious, cold sores are a form of herpes as well so under no circumstances should you perform any sexual activity using your mouth or there is a very good chance you will get genital herpes. Cold sores are usually Herpes simplex virus1 (predominantly orofacial), it is spread through close contact with the area of infection, Most people that have Herpes simplex virus 1 have it as a result of their parents passing it to them with close contact touching or kissing. this virus is always contagious but is particularly contagious when active, HSV2 which is also known as genital herpes Oral and/or genital herpes (predominantly genital), as well as other herpes simplex infections are spread through close contact and can be infectious at any time especially when active.

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