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you have to draw an hourglass in a single stroke

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Q: How do you you get past the red door in phantom hourglass?
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How do you find the crest in Zelda phantom hourglass?

which crest if you mean the triforce or hourglass, you have to draw it on the door, if you mean the sacred crest, it is past the first red door, the one you draw the hourglass

The second scared crest says I'm drawing it wrong HELP Zelda Phantom hourglass?

Draw a hourglass on the red door

What symbol do you put on the red door for the second route in Zelda phantom hourglass?

the triforce which is this thing

In Zelda phantom hourglass how do you beat the 3rd visit to the ocean king temple?

You only have to do 3 floors. (B4, B5 and B6.) On B6 you have to draw an hourglass on the red door. (Lots people got stuck on the red door.) It's kinda tough like the last visit.

How do you draw the triangle thing on the red door in the temple of the ocean king in legend of Zelda phantom hourglass?

You draw a triangle than another triangle upside down inside of it.

How do you get past the Temple of the Ocean king in The Phantom Hourglass?

Get the phantom sword and go to where you got the final sea chart and kill all the phantoms (Hit them in their backs with the phantom sword) I recommend throwing a red pot down so you have a safe spot. Then walk through the door and fight bellum. Then fight ghost ship bellum. Then fight possessed linebeck and you beat the game and the temple.

How do you get past the red door in the ocean king temple in phantom hourglass?

First you must check the tablets (if this is your first time) and mark out the symbol they show you (like connect the dots). DO NOT get the middle left tablet, or it makes another phantom appear, just like in the ghost ship, where if you pick the chest where the girl tells you too, a reapor appears. Draw the symbol on the door to open it. Talk to zaus after learning about the phantom sword to get another symbol. Draw that on the door, but you must not overlap on the symbol or it wont work.

How do you get past the door with a sign on it in temple of the ocean king?

What the first red door? If so simply draw an hourglass like this: right, diagonal down, rifght angain and back to start.

How do you get to the platform next to the red and blue tiles phantom hourglass?

you hit the ball like thing to change it

How do you get new path in phantom hourglass?

it honestly depends. If you're talking about the red door, there could be different signs you must draw. If you're talking about the stones ( circle, triangle, and square), then you have to arrange them differently

In the legend of Zelda phantom hour glass what is the sacred crest drawing?

The sacred crest that you draw on the red door is an hourglass the first time and the second time is the triforce but the triforce must be drawn in a special way.

The legend of Zelda phantom hourglass what is the true form of red and blue on the island of the dead?

Xoo oox xox