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Q: How do young queen angelfish help other fish?
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A fish that starts with q?

Queen Angelfish queen loach

What is a fish that starts with a q?

this is four fish that start with q Queen Angelfish Queen triggerfish Queensland blenny Quillfish

What are angelfish young called?


Is the queen angelfish related to the Blue Tang or Surgeon fish?


What do angelfish in the ocean eat?

Angelfish eat other fish.

What are the defenses of angelfish?

Angelfish usually dart away from trouble, but if protecting young, they nip at opposing fish.

How do angelfish care for their young?

they keep their eggs/fry together as they grow, keeping an eye on them and defending them from other fish

What are angelfish natural enemies?

Sharks and other larger fish are the the predators of the angelfish.

What saltwater fish starts with the letter Q?

The queen angelfish is a saltwater fish. It is found in the western Atlantic Ocean.

Do angelfish get attacked by other fish?


Are french angelfish endangered?

Angelfish are not endangered as far as information will tell

What are some sea creature that begin with the letter Q?

The Queen Angelfish is a fish species. It is found in the Atlantic Ocean.