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They hide by standing around in herds. The stripes of each zebra are distinctive (like fingerprints on humans), but when you have a herd standing together and all the animals are striped it makes it harder for a predator to focus on and single-out an individual animal for attack. It appears as a giant screen of stiping.

Depending on the grasslands, just standing still in tall grass may make a zebra's stripes effective camouflage.

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12y ago

By all standing together. To predators, they look like one big zebra, and the predator can't find only one to attack.

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12y ago

thier excellent hearing as well as there swiftness.

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Predators attack, prey tries to escape.

Are lions prey or predators of zebras?

Lions (carnivores) are predators of zebras (herbivores).

Why do zebras have predators?

Zebras have predators because other animals need to eat.And Zebras predators eat meat.

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They can run quickly to escape from predator (like lions, hyenas), because they have long legs.

Why do zebras run?

to get away from predators

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They help other zebras, but I don't think they help others that have the same predators

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How does a zebra adapt to its surroundings?

Zebras adapt to its surroundings by having the ability to run very fast to escape its predators. It stays together, moves as a family, and live near water.

Why do zebras have hoofs?

To defend themselves against predators.

How do zebras exercise in the wild?

They run away from predators

How do zebras escape from predotors?

They are a herd animal so when there is danger the herd runs as fast as they can from it. The babies, weak, and sick usually can't stay with the herd as it runs so they are a target for the predators.