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Q: How do zebras protect their territory?
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How do zebras mark their territory?

They actually use their mares to mark their territories

Can zebras take care of themselves?

Yes zebras can protect themselves, they do this by running, kicking, biting, and also by camouflage.

How do you protect zebras form extinction?

it runs like zain

How do zebras males protect there family?

by fighting for then (protecting) and giving them food

What do zebras use to protect them selfs?

they have big legs to run fast from preteders

What could be done to protect zebras from becoming endangered?

Chloe and Jade are awesome<3

Why do gangs exist?

to protect territory.

What is being done to protect zebras?

not very much considering there are alot of there kind and not nearly exctinct

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no only to protect there territory.

Does the golden eagle protect its territory?

no it doesn't.

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To protect their land

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they do that to protect their young and their territory.