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It is a winner takes all state.

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Q: How does Alabama determine how many votes each candidate will get?
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How does Florida determine how many electoral votes each candidate will get?

Florida gives all of its electoral votes to the Presidential candidate that received the most votes. This is a winner-take-all system. A majority of votes is not needed, merely a plurality.

Who do the people vote for to in turn cast the votes for a presidential candidate?

Electoral votes in the Electoral College determine the President of the United States. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for.

How many democratic votes did Alabama have?

The number of electoral votes for each state is equal to the sum of its number of Senators and its number of Representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives. Based on the 2010 Census, there are 7 members of the U.S. House of Representatives from Alabama. Therefore, Alabama has 9 electoral votes.

Why did they have presidents?

They needed someone to handle the country that we can vote for. The majority of votes for each candidate had to be picked upon which candidate has the most votes.

How does the number of electoral votes determine who wins?

Well, It sorta doesn't, but it does have a large impact. The votes made by the people start out the role of each candidate, then if the the # of votes is too close or equal then the senate and House of Representatives equalize the vote

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In a local election for mayor, there were 2 candidates running. 10000 total votes were cast and Candidate A received 648 more votes than Candidate B. Calculate percentage votes each candidate received.

How does a presidential candidate win the presidential election?

People vote for a candidate. Each state has a given number of electoral votes. Win the state, get the votes from that state. Get more votes than your opponent, and you have been elected.

How does MN determine how many electoral votes each candidate will get?

Like most states, Illinois is a "winner-take-all" state. Whichever ticket (presidential candidate and his/her running mate) receives a simple majority of the popular votes within the state gets all 20 of Illinois' electoral votes.

How is math used in an election?

In a normal election, it is necessary to count the number of votes cast for each candidate to determine the winner. This process may be simply finding the candidate with the largest number of votes or there may be preliminary run-offs with a 2-candidate final, or various forms of proportional representation.

What type of chart would be the best to chart the number of votes each candidate received compared to the total number of votes cast?


How does Kntucky determine how many electoral votes each candidate gets?

Every one of the 51 governments that appoint the electors of the U. S. President and Vice President currently uses public election to determine which candidates will get its votes. The District of Columbia, Arkansas and every other state except Maine and Nebraska each casts ALL of its votes for the Presidential candidate and the Vice Presidential candidate who received the most votes in its public election.The number of electors each of the states may appoint is equal to the total number of Senate and House seats that state has in the U. S. Congress. Every state has two U. S. Senators, and Arkansas has had four congressmen in the U. S. House of Representatives since 1963. Therefore, Arkansas casts six votes in each Presidential election and each Vice Presidential election through and including the elections of 2020. The number of votes Arkansas will cast in 2024 and 2028 depends on the result of the 2021 congressional reapportionment, and that depends on the results of the 2020 U. S. Census.

If a electoral college delegate votes for someone else besides their party's candidate they are called what?

The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for. If the elector ultimately votes for a candidate other than the candidate the elector swears in advance that he will vote for, the elector is referred to as a "faithless elector".