

How does Annabeth help Percy in the Lightning Thief book?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How does Annabeth help Percy in the Lightning Thief book?
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Who are the characters of the book The Lightning Thief?

Percy annabeth grover

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What are the names of the characters in the book 'The Lightning Thief'?

Percy Jackson,Annabeth,claire,chiron,luke.

Who are the caracters in the book lightning thief?

percy, annabeth and grover are basically the 3 main characters

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He meets Grover then he meets Annabeth :)

Why weren't Percy and Annabeth 12 years old in the Lightning Thief?

i guess the director didn't read the book LOL!!

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Percy explains that he was drawn to the garden gnome emporium by a mysterious force or voice that compelled him to go inside. He felt a strong urge to find out what was calling to him, even though he didn't understand why.

Are Percy and Annabeth boyfriend and girlfriend in real life?

Yes, Annabeth and Percy are dating in the Lost Hero.

Who is the lightning thief in the book lightning thief?

Luke was... He hid it in the shield he gave Percy....

Who is the Lightning Thief in the book Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief?

Luke Castellan stole the lightning bolt

In The Lightning Thief what are the key events?

Percy is a half blood and Hades stole Zeus's Master Lightning Bolt. and Hades framed Percy and put the lightning bolt in Percy's backpack, and he saved the world from having a world war 3. (against Olympus and the Underworld.)

What are the 4 main characters from the book the Lightning Thief explain?

Pecy, Grover, Annabeth, and Luke because it's all about Percy's going to get the Master Bolt.