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odysseus is a very smart person and he is a great warrior and those two things could be majorly because of Athena, the God of War and wisdom.

when Odysseus finally gets back to his home but the suitors are there Athena turns his appearance into a beggar so that he can go into his house and mingle with the suitors

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Q: How does Athena help Odysseus in the Odyssey?
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What does Athena do in The Odyssey?

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In the story the Odyssey, Zeus orders Calypso release Odysseus from Calypso's island. Zeus was convinced by the goddess, Athena, to help Odysseus.

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Athena is Odysseus's protector. She is the goddess of wisdom, strategy, war, skill, and justice.

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What two actions do the Gods decide to take on Odysseus behalf In the book Homers Epic Poem The Odyssey?

In Homer's "The Odyssey," the gods decide to help Odysseus by sending Hermes to Calypso to demand Odysseus's release from her island and by inspiring Athena to plead with Zeus to intervene and help Odysseus return home to Ithaca.

What does themi help Odysseus?

In Homer's "The Odyssey," the goddess Athena helps Odysseus by intervening on his behalf with the other gods, providing him guidance, and protecting him during his long journey back home to Ithaca. Athena's support contributes to Odysseus' eventual success in reuniting with his family and reclaiming his kingdom.

Who arrives at the moment when Odysseus runs out of arrows in the Odyssey?

the goddess Athena

In The Odyssey who is mentor?

He is one of Odysseus' friends.

In The Odyssey what did Athena disguise Odysseus as?

She disguised Odysseus as an old beggar, so he couldn't be recognized by anyone on Ithaca.