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Q: How does Billy's training and preparation was toward his pups on Where the Red Fern Grows?
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What is the resolution in Where the Red Fern Grows?

The resolution is that billys dogs die so then they can move to the city.

In Where the Red Fern Grows how does billy family react to his homecoming and gifts in chapter 6?

Billys family recats very badly bc they are worried about him

Why cant billys papa get him coon dogs in the red fern grows?

Billy's papa cannot afford to buy him coon dogs in "Where the Red Fern Grows" because the family is poor and struggling to make ends meet. Billy's papa is also hesitant to buy the dogs because he believes that Billy is not ready for the responsibility of owning and training hunting dogs.

What dollar amount did Billy spend on gifts for the family in Where the Red Fern Grows?

Billy spent $50 on gifts for the family in "Where the Red Fern Grows."

What part of a plant grows toward the center of the earth?

Its tap root

What do you call it when a plant grows toward the earth?

It is called Geo-Tropism

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A plant grows toward the light The plants action is an example of?

its an response :)

What activities go on during interphase?

The cell grows and carries out its functions, and replicates its DNA in preparation for mitosis.

What is hydrotopism?

When a plant grows toward or away from the direction of it's water source.

A geranium plant grows toward light This is caused by what?

Auxins which are plant hormones.

If plant is turned on side why does it grow toward sun?

It wants sunlight! :) It grows toward the energy of the sun wanting more of it since it is on its side.