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An inhalation and exhalation involves changes in the lung volume.Volume change creates pressureGradients that move air in or out of respiratory tractBoyle's law explain the process of pulmonary ventilation is explained that during inspiration, the volume of the thoracic cavity increases and air is drawn into the lung. The increase in volume is brought about partly by contraction of the diaphragm and partly by the actions of the intercostals muscles.
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15y ago

Which type of respiration?

Boyle's Law is not easily applicable to physiological respiration, i.e. breathing, due to the constraints of fixed moles and temperature for the equation to make sense. The temperature of gasses in your lungs is generally different than the temperature of the surrounding air (because your body warms the air in your lungs), and as you breathe air in and out the molality of the gasses in your lungs changes.

To apply Boyle's Law to your lungs, you could in theory obtain a limited application by holding your breath, then flexing your diaphragm.

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6y ago

Volume at constant temperature

By Boyle's law the product of the pressure and volume at a fixed temperature will remain constant.

It can alternatively be stated as

Pressure (at fixed temperature) is proportional to the reciprocal of the volume.


P1V1 = P2V2

or, in it's initial form

"For a fixed amount of an ideal gaskept at a fixed temperature, pressure and volume are inversely proportional"

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15y ago

Boyle's law is representative of all parts of all the alveoli getting oxygen. The lung fills uniformly with equal pressure on all surfaces.

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Q: How does Boyle's law explain the process of pulmonary ventilation?
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