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Q: How does Bud describe the look that Mrs Sleets son gives him?
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What are the sleets from the book bud not buddy?

buddy had to go to sleep but koma left him with sleets. sleets are sheets of paper that scratches your arm.

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What makes the Amoses Deza Malone and her mom and Mr. Lewis and the sleets different from one another?

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The author uses disdain to describe the Rose-Bud.

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What are words that describe bud's personality in the book Bud Not Buddy?

his bumhole

Describe Bud and Deza Malone's relationship and significance?

it tells u that bud is not afraid of girls

How would you describe Bud from Bud Not Buddy?

I would describe bud from bud not buddy he s very street smart brave talented ans strong in emotion this boy takes care of things by himself .he doesnt care if you talk about him in any way.

How would you describe Bud from bud-not-buddy?

Bud is -strong -smart -he is a orphan -he is a believer -brave -african american -skinney -strong in emotion

What what words describe buds personality from Bud Not Buddy?

Bud is nice,smart.adventures,imagnitive,brave,outgoing,

In Bud Not Buddy what instrument does Herman E Calloway play?

The Insturment that Herman. E. Calloway gives to Bud not Buddy is the Saxaphone

What did mr sleet do in Bud Not Buddy?

She feeds him and gives him a bed to sleep in.

What gift does grace give bud in Bud Not Buddy?

Grace gives Bud a flying toy airplane as a gift in the book "Bud, Not Buddy." This gift symbolizes freedom and hope for the future, as it encourages Bud to believe in his dreams and aspire to soar to great heights.