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With references to previous laws and rulings- apex!:)

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King Boyer

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He cites the Fourteenth Amendment and explains its purpose.

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Q: How does Chief Justice Earl Warren primarily support the Supreme Court's opinion?
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What references does Chief Justice Earl Warren make support the Supreme Court's opinion?

Laws & ruling.

What references does chief justice earl warren make to support the supreme courts opinion?

Laws & ruling.

How primarily does Chief Justice earl warren support the supreme courts?

He cites the Fourteenth Amendment and explains its purpose.

What references does chef justice earl warren make to support the supreme court's opinion?

Justice Earl Warren in his opinions often referenced the Constitution and previous Supreme Court decisions to support the Court's opinion. He relied on legal precedents, such as landmark cases and constitutional provisions, to justify the Court's interpretation and application of the law. Additionally, he sometimes referred to historical events and societal norms to provide context and rationale for the Court's rulings.

What references does chief justice earl warren make to support the supreme court?

Laws & ruling.

What is a written statement by most of the justices in support of a Supreme Court decision?

The agreed ruling of more than half of the Supreme Court justices is called a majority decision; the written document is called a majority opinion or the "opinion of the Court."

Supreme Court justice who support judicial activism and those who support judicial restraint most disagree on the answer to which question?

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Justice Owen Roberts

How did earl warren affect the brown decison?

His appointment gave desegregation strong support

What is the term for a court opinion reflecting the views of most of the justices in the US Supreme Court?

Majority opinion - Also called the "Opinion of the Court," this is the official verdict in the case that represents the vote of the majority of justicesPlurality opinion - In a case where no opinion received majority support, a plurality is the opinion joined by the most justices

Why did John Marshall support the third branch?

He was a lawyer and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Marshall believed a country should be governed by the rule of law, not the rule of man.

Who wrote the opinion for the US Supreme Court case Swann v Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education?

Chief Justice Warren Burger was the official author of the unanimous decision in Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, 402 US 1 (1971); however, the published opinion consists primarily of Justice Potter Stewart's draft dissent to Burger's original position. The Chief Justice made some revisions, but Potter Stewart had a much greater hand in formulating the opinion than Burger.ExplanationThe decision in this case was contentious and involved quite a bit of pressure and maneuvering on the part of the more progressive members of the Court, Justices William O. Douglas, William J. Brennan, Jr., and Thurgood Marshall, with support from the usually conservative Justice John Marshall Harlan II. Chief Justice Burger and Justice Black initially wanted to overturn the District Court's decision, and were expected to be joined by Justice Blackmun, who often voted with Burger during his early years on the Court.Potter Stewart favored strong support for District Court Judge's decision, and circulated a draft of his planned dissenting opinion, should the Court side with Burger. Between Stewart's well-reasoned dissent and the progressive justices' arguments, Chief Justice Burger and Justice Black grudgingly conceded affirming the lower court ruling on constitutional grounds (Justice Blackmun was undoubtedly less resistant).Burger wrote a tepid first draft that the progressive bloc found unsatisfactory and which, after numerous rounds of comments and revisions, was finally scrapped in favor of Justice Stewart's work, with the addition of a few revisions from the Chief Justice.For more information, see Related Questions, below.