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Q: How does Convergence results in sensitivity and acuity?
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What mountain chain is a results of continental-continental convergence?

its the himialahs appalicans and albines

What is the value of the convergence reflex in the eye?

Acuity and alignment for proper identification and understanding are the values of the eyes' convergence reflex.Specifically, the term identifies the tendency of both eyes to fixate on an object in front of the individual in question. Both eyes move inwardly toward the nose. This action permits the retina to receive a clear, sharp image.

Would omitting NaCl alter the medium's specificity or sensitivity?

Omitting NaCl would alter the osmolarity and ion content of the medium, which could affect the growth and survival of certain organisms. This could impact the medium's specificity and sensitivity by limiting the ability of some organisms to grow or inhibiting the growth of others. It's important to consider the nutritional requirements of the target organisms when omitting components from a medium.

What is product sensitivity?

A product that when it's price is changed results in a bigger change in demand

What results from an oceanic plate to oceanic plate convergence?

The convergence creates a trench where the more dense of the two plates flows downward toward the mantle. Earthquakes may occur in the area of the plate boundary, as well as volcanism.

What part of speech is convergence?

Convergence is a noun.

What does the medical abbreviation cs mean?

It can mean "culture and sensitivity". Usually referring to laboratory results.

Changes in the eyes during middle adulthood gradually cause loss of visual acuity requiring both physical and psychological adjustments What is the overall effect on vision?

Sensitivity to light and ability to focus are both reduced

What is a example of convergence?

Convergence of telecommunications

When was Acuity Brands created?

Acuity Brands was created in 2001.

What is the population of Acuity Brands?

Acuity Brands's population is 2,008.

When was Acuity Insurance created?

Acuity Insurance was created in 1925.