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Q: How does Dalai Lama help religious believers make moral decisions?
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Some religious believers would want religious and moral issues on television so that they can push their viewpoints at others. The same religious believers would likely oppose the presentation of religious or moral views on TV if those views do not coincide with their own.

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Does God reveal moral values outside the pages of Scripture?

Moral values are to be found everywhere. Even non-believers can live by the highest moral values. Whether these moral principles were revealed to non-believers by God is problematic.

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No, the foundation moral principle can be recognized by both believers and non-believers alike. It is a fundamental aspect of human ethics and behavior that is not exclusive to any particular belief system.

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Religious believers believe in an afterlife because it provides comfort, hope, and meaning to their lives. Many religions teach that life on Earth is just a temporary phase and that there is a continuation of existence after death, which serves as a way to uphold moral values and justice. The concept of an afterlife also offers a sense of closure and purpose, reinforcing faith and helping believers cope with the idea of mortality.

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You can be moral without being religious. You can also be religious without being moral.

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Religious believers often interpret 'duty' as a moral or ethical obligation derived from their religious teachings and beliefs. It refers to the responsibility they feel towards following the commandments, principles, and teachings of their faith. Fulfilling one's duty is seen as a way of demonstrating devotion, loyalty, and obedience to their religious tradition.

What would you expect from a moral religious person?

A:I would expect the same standards from a moral religious person as from a moral non-religious person, no less. The one important difference would probably be the person's own assessment of the reason for his morality. The moral religious person is likely to attribute his or her morality to guidance from God; the moral non-religious person is likely to attribute his or her morality to conscience and a desire to do good for others.

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