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Q: How does Darwin and theory of evolution by natural selection explain why some organisms become extinct?
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Is extinction a part of the theory of evolution?

Extinction is part of the Theory of Evolution. This goes along with natural selection and survival of the fittest. Organisms that go extinct do so because they are no longer able to survive in the habitat.

How can humanavtivities affect the evolution of organisms?

Look around you at the products of artificial selection. From alpaca tom wheat man has ordered the evolution of these organisms to suit his needs. Then there is habitat destruction where the migration of humans all over the earth has put a great selection pressure on organisms in adapting to human presence. Not all do and some are extinct from human migrations into their ranges and that is part of evolution to. Then there is climate change which will put great selection pressure on all the organisms of the earth. Some populations will have the variations needed to adapt to a warming earth and these populations will have individuals selected and thus evolve into new forms in the coming years.

What is the study of how living and extinct organisms are related to one another?

The study of how living and extinct organisms are related to one another is simple. This study is called evolution.

What was principle point of the Darwin theory of evolution?

Evolution is the change in allele frequency due to non random survival and reproduction. All organisms on Earth extant or extinct were descended from a common ancestor. This is the fact of evolution. The theory of evolution explains the mechanism of how this came to be. There are many driving forces of evolution, these include natural selection, genetic drift, recombination, mutation, migration. To keep it simple, I will explain natural selection only. Natural selection is the differential survival of genes. Organisms make more offsprings than can survive, due to limiting factors such as food. There is variation amongst organisms, some better equipped to survive in particular environments, some less so. Thus there is a non random survival, where the better adapted individuals on average produce more offsprings than their competition, passing more of their advantageous genes to the next generation, thus evolution occurs. How does new species arise? When a group of organisms have been isolated by a geographical barrier, or any barrier that prevents them from interbreeding, the two populations diverge and natural selection drives them to adapt to their respective environments, accumulating differences in their genomes in the form of mutations. When enough differences have accumulated, even when the two groups of organisms reunite, their genes would be too different to be able to reproduce. Thus, they became two species.

Will cats continue to evolve?

Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. So, cats will continue to evolve. Organisms evolve, or go extinct. Speciation is another thing.

Evolution is the response between organisms and what?

Evolution is one possible response of an organism to changes in its environment. Other responses can include moving their habitat to a different location with a more congenial environment, and going extinct.

Why does the presence of extinct and transitional forms in the record support the pattern component of the theory of evolution by natural selection?

supports hypothesis that species have changed over time.

Explain how natural selection is at work when a species becomes extinct?

According to science, natural selection chooses the best features for the best survival. When those processes do not occur for some reason, the species does not survive.

The death of all the organisms of a species?

Extinct (Extinction)

How are extinct organisms related to other extinct organisms as well as living organisms?

By the way they look, (their bone structure, body weight) and DNA too.

Why do some environments have more types of organisms than others?

Natural selection "selects" organisms that are best suited for each environment. Those that are not fit for the environment are selected against until they migrate or become extinct all together.

Why do organisms need to make new organisms?

so it does not get extinct