

How does Greece not have money?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How does Greece not have money?
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What is Greece's unit of money?

The EURO is Greece's unit of money.

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How much was ancient Greece money in ancient Greece?

Whatever the amount of the piece of money, that's what it was.

What is Greece money made out of?

ancient Greece money is made from gold, silver, copper, and and electrum

What do people in Greece call their money?

Greece uses the Euro

How is the money in Greece?

I assume you mean "What is the money in Greece". Since 2002 Greece has used the euro, along with most other members of the EU. Prior to that Greece had its own currency, called the drachma.

How is the money system in Greece?

Greece used drachmas untill 2000 when greece was introduced to the euro.

How many Greece dollars equals 1.50 in us money?

One Greece dollar equals $1.50 in U.S. money

What was ancient Greece money used for?

ancient Greece money is made from gold, silver, copper, and and electrum

What is the most interest in Greece?

The lack of money.

What kind of money does Greece have?

ευρώ (the euro)

What did they call money in ancient Greece?
