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Q: How does Hercules matter to us today?
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What is Hercules to us today what did he teach us?

He taught us about determination and courage to defeat the evil. Good always overcomes evil.

How did Hercules change life today?

Hercules was and is a mythical figure. He did not change anyone s life today.

Who can be considered Hercules today?

Kevin Sorbo played Hercules on television.

By what name are the ancient pillars of Hercules known today?

The Pillars of Hercules are now known as the Strait of Gibraltar.

Who is Hercules today?

Hercules is a god today. After he performed his twelve labors he claimed his rightful place on Mount Olympus. This of course angered Hera the wife of Zeus.

How is the Greek Myth Hercules relevant today?


What are the pillars of Hercules called today?

The straights of Gibralta

What is the biggest insect living today?

The African Hercules bettle

What actions or deeds make Hercules seem less than heroic to us?

In a fit of madness sent by Hera, Hercules killed his first wife and children. He tried atoning for this with the 12 labors. Yet no matter how much he tried to repent, the deed was done.

What is the largest insect living today?

I believe it is the African Hercules Beetle.

Why was the greek god Hercules named what he is and not something else?

For one matter, Hercules is actually the Roman form of the Greek Heracles. He was named this for the same reason anything is named.

How could you use Hercules in a sentence?

Hercules is a "god", so he is remembered for his great strength. So you can probably say " I carried 200 pounds today, I'm as strong as Hercules." Or you can use that name for a name, like your dog.