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Q: How does India have great physical variation?
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5 major physical landforms of India are: -Himalayas -rivers -deserts -Mount Everest and -Great Indian desert I think those are the ones

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For a given mineral the physical property which displays the greatest variation is?

The physical property that typically shows the greatest variation in minerals is color. Minerals can exhibit a wide range of colors due to variations in chemical composition, impurities, and light absorption.

What are the six physical divisions of India?

The six physical divisions of India are the Northern Mountains, Northern Plains, Peninsular Plateau, Indian Desert, Coastal Plains, and Islands. These regions vary in terms of topography, climate, and natural resources.

Does variation occur in plants?

Much more morphological variation occurs in plants. Genetic variation is the big variation in plants because of polyploidy; this doubling, tripling and halving of chromosome number in the mating of two plants not only leads to great variation in genetic material, but also leads to great speciation in plants.

A change in a physical property of another substance is a one physical change chemical change physical property?

It is a change of a physical property - for example the variation of temperature.

What are the objectives of anthropometric test?

The objectives of anthropometric tests are to understand human physical variation and relate physical traits with race and psychology.

What is the significance of great longitudinal extent of India?

because our india is great...

Where is Great Khaali from?

The Great Khaali is from India . He returned to India after Wrestlemania 26 !

What are the physical factors responsible for the development of tourism industries in India?

cultural and physical factors as India has a rich heritage and it's climate is tolerant to bear.

Is any Models to show physical divisions of India?

Yes, you can make a 3D map of India and can show any physical division of India on it by highlighting that portion witha unique colour.