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Jacob and Bella's friendship didn't change after she found out he was a warewolf.

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Q: How does Jacob and Bella's friendship change when she figures out he is a werewolf?
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Related questions

How do you not become a werewolf?

if you are a werewolf you can not change back to humam -_-

Can a werewolf change doing a full moon doind the day?

A werewolf can change at will any time of the day and during any phase of the moon. If a werewolf was forced to change or could only change during a full moon, werewolves would not be commonly heard of.

Do you have to eat something to become a werewolf?

no you change

How do you create a werewolf pack on the Sims 3 Supernatural?

In CAS select 'supernatural type' and change it to werewolf.

How is a werewolf a moon child?

Yes, because a werewolf if just a person who goes through a change on a full moon

Do werewolf's eyes change?

When a Werewolf transforms from a man to a wolf, then his eyes become more wolf-like, yes.

Can I change my race?

you can only change you subrace into a vampire, werewolf, werepire ,or dracopire

What is the specility of werewolf?

Werewolves are people that are able to change into a wolf.

How do you change being a vampire to a werewolf in adventure quest?

Get Curre

What is The Lay of the Werewolf about?

The Lay of the Werewolf is about a knight who is also a werewolf. His wife takes his clothes one day so he can no longer turn back into a human. The king of the land goes hunting one day and catches this werewolf. The werewolf is very tame. The king finds out that this werewolf is one of his knights and gets his clothes back so he can change back into a human.

What are some werewolf myths?

That they change when the moon is full. They are enimies with vampires.

When can werewolves change form?

they are not real and if they were i will try to be one and in free realms at Halloween you get to be a werewolf if your a member and you have lots off SC and for werewolf to change form it would have to be night once the you did a claw mark in the air