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He didn't.

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Q: How does Lenin justify his control of Russia?
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Who won control of Russia the Bolsheviks or Mensheviks?

The Bolsheviks under Vladimir Lenin won control of Russia.

When Lenin took control what promises did he make?

Lenin promised to get Russia out of World War 1

What was Lenin's first act when he took control of the government?

Abolishing private property was Lenin's first act on taking control in Russia.

Who did Lenin remove from control of Russia's government when he came to power?

Lenin ousted Alexander Kerensky, head of Russia's Provisional Government, which had replaced Tsar Nicholas II. Lenin did not overthrow the Tsar.

Which leader had complete control over Russia at one point?


Who siezed control of russia during the revolution of 1917?

Vladimir lenin

After the assassination of the czar of Russia and his family who gained control?

Vladimir Lenin.

After Lenin assumed control of Russia he quickly signed a treaty with what nation?


What is Vladimir Lenin Legacy?

leader of Bolshevik party took control of Russia

What did russia do after lenin seized control in 1971?

After Vladimir Lenin seized control of Russia in 1917, the nation turned to communist values. The government took all the land from private ownership and put it work as a government entity.

What happened to control of Russia after the death of Lenin?

Control of Russia passed to Joseph Stalin, Lev Kamenev and Gregory Zinoviev acting together. Gradually, Stalin ousted the others and took complete control by 1929.

Why did Vladimir Lenin cancel all of Russia's debts?

When Lenin took control of the Russian government he canceled all of Russia's debts with two purposes in mind. One was to basically save the cost of repaying foreign loans. The second purpose was to declare, according to Lenin, Russia's independence from imperialist oppression. Additionally, it was a statement that Russia would control its own economic future.