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MAOI (mono-amine oxidase inhibiters) operate as follows. Many of the brain neurotransmitters are mono-amines. Sometimes when their levels get low it causes depression. There is an enzyme that destroys mono-amines by oxidizing them, it is called mono-amine oxidase. By inhibiting mono-amine oxidase, MAOI raises the level of mono-amine neurotransmitters, sometimes relieving depression.

However MAOI drugs have many undesirable side effects, and require a restricted diet to avoid potentially fatal reactions. Therefore they are rarely used, now that safer Tricyclic & SSRI drugs are available.

MAOI drugs were the first antidepressants discovered, they were originally developed and used to treat tuberculosis by killing the bacteria and the antidepressant effect was discovered accidentally.

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The three types of drugs used to treat clinical depression is • MAOI's • SSRI's • Tricyclic Componds by:damien ward

What does MAOI stand for and what does it do?

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, it is a class of antidepressants, used to treat depression and sometimes even anxiety and panic disorders

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Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, or MAOIs, are a class of drug that was one of the first used to treat depression. Gabapentin is a drug used to seizures and diabetic nerve pain. Gabapentin is not an MAOI.

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In order to treat depression, you must go seek counseling. They might also prescribe you anti-depressant medication to help you treat your disorder.

Does amnesteem contain monoamine oxidase inhibitor?

No, amnesteem is a form is isotretinoin, which is used to treat severe acne. A manoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI)is a type of anti-depressant. Although both acne and isotretinoin have been linked with depression, amnesteem and a manoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) are two completely different substances.

Is Effexor an maoi?

NO, MAO inhibitor (MAOI) aren't used anymore (or rarely used) for depression treatment. Effexor (or venlafaxine) is actually a SNRI (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) and works almost as a SSRI.

Is topamax or neurontin an maoi?

An maoi refers to "monoamine oxidase inhibitors," which is a kind of antidepressant that affects serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain. Topamax is a medication that alleviates migraine headaches. Topamax is not an maoi.

How can I treat my husband's depression at home?

If you are able to find the source of the depression, you can work to remedy the problem. If there isn't an obvious source, you may need to have outside help.

What drugs for depression and anxiety are safe to take for a person who has Porphyria?

There are many medications that are safe to take for both anxiety and depression, in fact there are medicines traditional used for depression that are now prescribed purely for anxiety. These anti-depressants are generally SNRIs or SSRIs. For example, Celexa has been used to treat both. Always check with your doctor when considering taking two medication at the same time, particularly if you are on a MAOI.

How to take depression away?

The best way to take depression away is to treat it. Talk to a medical professional or your primary doctor about how you are felling. Medications and support groups can help.