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Q: How does Mahalia Jackson use the blues in a new diffrent way?
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Related questions

Where did Mahalia Jackson grow up?

New Orleans, Louisiana

Which two cities were Mahalia Jackson's memorial services in?

Chicago, IL and New Orleans, LA

What kind of education did Mahalia Jackson have?

she went to MDonough school in New Orleans and dropped out to help her family in 8th grade

What are mahalia Jackson's siblings' names?

Mahalia Jackson was an American gospel singer. She was an important member of Civil Rights Movement in USA alongside Martin Luther King Jr and is remembered for prompting King to 'Tell them about the dream, Martin' during his famous 'March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom' speech in 1963. She was born in a poor family in New Orleans, Louisiana. She had only one sibling, a brother named Roosevelt Hunter. She also had four half siblings from his father's other marriage. They were brothers William Jackson and John A Jackson and sisters Pearl and Yvonne Jackson.

What are Mahalia Jackson's siblings names?

when she was married to her second husband he had a daughter from a previous relationship so mahalia was a stepmother..but due to a medical condition called fibroid tumors she had to undergo a hysterectomy..before her surgery she was told she would not be able to bear children..mahalia Jackson did not have her own biological kids.

Who is the new blues coach?

the new blues coach is John Kirwan

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What made New Netherlands a multiculturle colony was that they had diffrent backround and they spoke diffrent languages.

What is the biggest theatre in New Orleans?

Only one open is the Mahalia Jackson Theater. The Saenger Theater is the biggest with 4000 seats. Its scheduled to open next year. The Saint Charles Theater also had 4000 seats but it burned down a long time ago.

When was New Wave Blues created?

New Wave Blues was created on -20-08-07.

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When was Old New Ballads Blues created?

Old New Ballads Blues was created on 2006-05-02.

Were did blues music originate?

New Orleans!