

Music Theory

Harmony and rhythm. Voice leading and cadences. Music theory can be a complex subject. Ask anything you need to know about it here.

858 Questions

What are all the good things about the Mozart effect?

The Mozart effect refers to the theory that listening to Mozart's music can enhance cognitive abilities. Some potential benefits include improved mood, increased focus and concentration, and potentially enhanced spatial reasoning skills. However, more research is needed to fully understand and validate these claims.

What does a movie soundtrack consist of?

A movie soundtrack typically consists of music composed specifically for the film, as well as popular songs or pre-existing music that is used to enhance the mood or atmosphere of certain scenes. Soundtracks can also include sound effects and dialogue snippets from the movie.

How fast is tempo di blues?

The tempo of a waltz. 123-123-123... So as fast as you would dance a waltz.

What are the types of compound meter?

Compound meter consists of pulses which divide into groups of three. Typically, each beat is shown as a dotted quarter note, which then divides into three eighth notes.

Compound meter can be found with two, three, or four pulses. In all cases, the top number of a time signature is a multiple of three, showing the number of groupings (ie. a "6" indicates 2 groups of 3, 2x3 = 6; a "9" indicates 3 groups of 3, 3x3 = 9; a "12" indicates 4 groups of 3, 4x3 = 12).

The lower number of the time signature indicates the type of notes in each grouping.

For example, 6/8 time consists of 2 groupings of 3 eighth notes in each bar.

6/4 would use 2 groupings of 3 quarter notes.

What are the advantages of digital audio recording?

When things audio was being recorded analog on tape it was difficult to edit. Often times this required splicing the tape or just re-recording the track. With digital editing you can just click and edit. If you make a mistake you can undo it and try again. It's not nearly as destructive as analog editing was.

How does music relate to writing?

Really, writing music comes in many different ways, but what I think of as writing music would be creating a piece of music totally from thoughts and writing them.

In sheet music what note is E double sharp?

E double sharp is simply the note E double sharp. On the piano keyboard it is the first black note in the grouping of three black notes (just to the left of the note "G"). In 12 tone equal temperament it has the same pitch as F# and Gb.

It is a very infrequently used note in diatonic music; mostly just in A# minor (and usually as a chromatic alteration of an already altered chord), but it sometimes shows up in big clusters of notes, as well. Mostly, it is a theoretical note (which IS used when you got into the realm of temporary "imaginary keys", like G# and A# Major).

What other name does a semibreve have?

In America, a semibreve is called a whole note.

How do you write in mandolin tablature?

Mandolin tablature is written on a staff of four lines, each line representing one pair of strings. The top line is the pair of E strings, the second line is the A strings, the third line is the D and the lowest line is the G strings:





Any number, from 0 to 20, represents the fret you want played on that particular string, with 0 meaning the open string (played without being fretted). For example, if you wanted to play the G note at the third fret of the E string, it would look like this:





Numers are always read from left to right, regardless of which string the note is played. Playing two full octaves of the G major scale, from low to high, would look like this:





Chords are represented by having the numbers placed directly over one another on their respective string lines. A G major chord would be represented like this:





What are the functions of rhythm?

In the early days of top-40 (popular music), kids were asked to rate their favorite songs, and they would often mention that a song "had a good beat" and was therefore easy to dance to. That beat-- the rhythm of a song-- is what holds it together. Not all rhythm is fast-- it can be slow, it can change tempo, but without rhythm, all other elements of a work of music would break down. Melodies and chords would be dimensionless sequences of notes, and tempo would be meaningless. Rhythm gives music life, whether one is listening to it, singing it, playing it or dancing to it.

What are different kinds of beats?

Do you mean rhythms? You can combine different note values to get different rhythms. For example, in 4/4 time, You can use a quarter note, two eight notes, and a half note in one measure. There are tons of possibilities... try finding more!

What are the two ways to remember the notes names of the treble clef?

One of the most common ones is 'Every Green Bus Drives Fast.'

If you prefer you could use 'Every Good Boy Deserves Football.'

Or why not make one up? It's great fun and you can make one that you really like as this makes it easier to remember.

That's for the notes on the lines starting from the bottom. To remember the notes between the lines, "FACE" is often used.

What does the music term cantando mean?

It means the same as the word Cantabile which means 'in a singing style'.

Is mezzo-alto is similar to soprano?

No, altos are not the same as mezzo-sopranos. Altos are the lowest voice part, followed by mezzo-soprano. While most of the time they sing harmony to sopranos, they are not the same.