

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Questions about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, an extremely talented Austrian composer during the Classical Period. Although he led a short life, he certainly made an impact in the history of music.

1,118 Questions

What are all the good things about the Mozart effect?

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The Mozart effect refers to the theory that listening to Mozart's music can enhance cognitive abilities. Some potential benefits include improved mood, increased focus and concentration, and potentially enhanced spatial reasoning skills. However, more research is needed to fully understand and validate these claims.

When was Homer's poetry most probably written down?

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Homer's poetry was most probably written down in the 8th century BCE, but it is believed that the stories were orally transmitted for many years before being recorded. The exact timeline is uncertain because of the lack of written records from that period.

What kind of Yamaha piano is used in Michael meets Mozart?

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"Michael Meets Mozart" is a YouTube video created by ThePianoGuys, featuring a mashup of Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" and Mozart's "Symphony No. 40." In the video, Jon Schmidt, one of ThePianoGuys, plays a Yamaha Disklavier grand piano. The Disklavier is a type of acoustic piano that has integrated digital components, allowing it to reproduce performances with remarkable accuracy. The Disklavier system records and plays back not only the notes played but also the nuances of the performance, including dynamics and pedal use. Yamaha offers different models of Disklavier pianos, and the specific model used in the video may not be explicitly mentioned.

Who was Mozarts biggest rival?

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I 99% sure that it is Antonio Salieri.

What were Mozart's hobbies?

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His hobbies were dancing and he enjoyed billiards.

''type of person was Mozart''?

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Mozart was a very whimsical jovial, brilliant musical romantic genus. His music comprised of symphony's that he first composed by violin at age 6. Mozart was deficient in other fields because his music knowledge was so advanced. Mozart had not much reality of what was "the big picture" making him exuberant in nature and humanity. Mozart was one of the greatest most intricate composers to ever walk the face of the earth. Surely, like one of his self biography's read, he was." touched by God in a musically enchanted way"...

How long did it take to write Mozart symphony no1?

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Brahm's Symphony 1 took twenty one years to compose, from 1855-1876. The performance usually lasts between 45-50 minutes. The premiere was conducted by Felix Otto Dessoff.

How old was Mozart when he played the clavier?

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Mozart was 4 years old when he started playing the clavichord. He was taught by his' father.

Why did van Gogh cut off his ear?

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Finally, one right up my alley!! VanGogh, as is often the case with Artists and other creative types, suffered from mental illness and an addiction to Absinthe, also known as "the green fairy"(which is now banned in the US)and was quite fond of visiting prostitutes. Technically he didn't "lose" his ear, he cut off only the lobe of his left ear and gave it, in an envelope, to a prostitute named Rachel at a brothel he frequented, with the instructions to "guard this object carefully". An accurate diagnosis of Van Gogh's illness is still unavailable, but we do know a few things for sure: 1)he acquired syphillis from the prostitutes he visited and 2)there was a family history of mental illness. Recently, a new theory has evolved which states something to the effect that he may have had a congenital brain lesion that was exacerbated by his regular ingestion of absinthe. Hope that helps! Cheers! *That is true. He cut it off and brought it to a woman at a brothel. He was a very odd person. He once urinated in the fireplace of the queens castle for no particular reason. I added a link to the right. If you would like to read more about the ear you can find the information on that site. See link below.

When did Wolfgang Erdmann die?

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Erdmann Neumeister died in 1756.

Who stole music from Mozart?

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Miserere, by Italian composer Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652)

What does Mozart's middle name mean?

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Amadeus is Latin for "lover of God".

What did Mozart work as?

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Austria (Salzburg).

What musical period was Mozart from?

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classical period

What age did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart start playing the violin?

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Beethoven was a virtuoso pianist, and wrote much of his early music for his own performances. He was also instructed by a relative in playing the violin and viola. From age 7 to about 9 his father tried to exploit him as a Wunderkind, as Mozart's father had done with Wolfgang. It is not clear whether he performed on violin or only on piano during those appearances, and by age 9 they were over.

Where did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart attend middle school?

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They didn't classify school grades so much in Mozart's day. There was no Elementary, Middle or High School ... it was just "school", usually taught at home by parents or relatives, although there were universities specializing in various subject matters.

Who were Mozart's teachers?

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no one, he didn't need any teaching: he could already play

Mozart was born into a musical family. As was the custom in that day, children often assumed the musical roles of their parents, who were also their tutors.

Mozart's first teacher in music was his father, Leopold.

What are the names of Mozart's songs?

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Mozart composed symphonies and concertos which are not exactly the same thing as songs, and they generally have numbers instead of names, for example, Piano Concerto #12. However, there is one that has a name, the Rondo a la Turko, which I find to be particularly charming.

Was mozarts no 41 symphony a string orchestra?

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Symphony No. 41 in C major was completed on August 10, 1788. It was the last symphony that he composed.

What are the release dates for The Musical Genius of Mozart McFiddle - 2006?

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Pamina Hysteria in Mozart's Magic Flute - 2006 was released on:

USA: 13 July 2006 (Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival)

Who wrote The Marriage Of Figaro Overture?

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The music was by Mozart. The play was by Pierre Beaumarchais.

What was Mozart disabilities?

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no, but he died in early age... (like 30's, i believe) Mozart died at the age of 35 in 1791. He was born in 1756.

What is the name of the piece of music Mozart wrote when he was dying?

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the name of the piece of music he began to write when he started dying was called the Requiem and after a short amount of time he started to convince himself that this was his own death music. he continued on this piece of music until he died and never finished it. the last 3 sections of the Requiem were completely lacking when he died and one of his pupils Franz Sussmayer ended up finishing it.
He was just a couple of measures into another symphony.