

Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette ruled as the Queen of France during the reign of Louis XVI and the French Revolution. When the Revolution brought an end to the French monarchy, Marie Antoinette was executed by guillotine. She has become a popular historical figure due to her outrageous fashion sense and supercilious attitude, commemorated through many books and films.

404 Questions

Where did Marie Antoinette go to high school?

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Marie Antoinette did not attend high school as we know it today. She grew up in Austria and was educated in subjects like languages, music, and court etiquette at the Palace of Schoenbrunn in Vienna.

Who are the main characters in the book Marie Antoinette Serial Killer?

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The main characters in the book "Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer" are Colette Iselin, a teenage girl who goes on a school trip to Paris, and Marie Antoinette, the historical queen of France who returns as a vengeful spirit seeking justice for her tragic fate.

Cynthia m a butler-mcintyre?

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Cynthia M.A. Butler-McIntyre is an American civil servant. She served as the 24th National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. from 2008-2013.

How old was Marie Antoinette when she married King Louis XVI?

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Marie Antoinette was 14 years old when she married King Louis on 19 April 1765. It was a proxy wedding - the two did not actually meet each other until five years later.

What factors cost Marie Antoinette support?

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She was born in Austria and had never been accepted by the French who constantly were critical of every effort to be the Queen of France.

What musical instrument died Marie Antoinette play?

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She played several, but her most favorite was the Harp.

What was the final fate of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette?

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well their lifestyles were very ummm,,,,,,,welll really cool??/?

What happened to Marie Antoinette and her family when she was taken to the Bastille in 1792?

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She crossed the border at the Rhine, between Kehl and Strasbourg where they actually put up a small building where the passing-ceremonie of leaving everything Austrian behind and adapting everything that was French. She was to enter the building on one side dressed in her Austrian gown, en leave the building on the other side completely dressed as a French dauphine. She had to leave everything Austrian behind, even her puppie "Mops".

What was the rumors about the marriage of Louis and Marie Antoinette?

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It all began with members of the nobility who were jealous, staff that worked for her who noticed that she wanted things to be done differently from the old regime, her brother in law Comte du Provence (he actually paid for a lot of bad pamphlets to be printed about her), the aunts (the aunts of her husband) also spread vicious rumors and eventually all the people that heard about them in Paris.

Should Marie Antoinette have been killed?

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Because the people of France never wanted her on the throne in the first place, as being foreign (she was Austrian). Also a lot of people were jealous of her and spread horrible gossips about her which were not true. They also ridiculed her terribly by terrorizing her about the fact that her mariage wasn't consumed (that happened about 7 years into the mariage because it is said that Louis XVI had to be circumcised due to a foreskin that was too tight to have intercourse), the way she spoke French (with an Austrian accent), the way she looked (she had a high forehead and an outspoken nose). She was surrounded by enemies all day every day and all she ever wanted was some friends. When she found those (Yolande de Polignac and the Princess de Lamballe), they accused her of favoring them too much by permitting them several privileges. Marie Antoinette gave more money to charities then any other queen of France had ever done. Though, all the French saw was a queen that dressed herself in costly outfits (although her spending on clothing was never more than any other queen before her) and decorated her Petit Trainon and Hameau de la Reine. Fact is, the revolution started long before Marie Antoinette came to France. All it needed to ignite it, was someone to blame it all on, and she came to France in 1769. Believe it or not, this it true.

When did Marie Antoinette give birth to children?

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Her children: Marie Thèrése (20 December 1778 - October 1851) Louis Jozef (22 October 1781 -- 4 June 1789) Louis Charles (27 March 1785 -- 8 June 1795) Sophie Beatrix Hélène (9 July 1786 -- 19 June 1787) Only Marie Thèrése survived the Revolution.

Why was Marie Antoinette brave?

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She was a queen and had been raised to be one and knew nothing else. Her response to what happened around her was as a queen. She also wanted to protect her children and not cause them to be afraid.

What was Marie Antoinette called after thedeath of her husband Louis XVI Widow?

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When the Royal Family was arrested, its members were stripped of their titles and ordered to revert to an ordinary surname. Bourbon might have been more appropriate, but the name chosen for them was taken from the founder of the dynasty of French Kings, Hugues Capet. so Louis XVI was referred to at his trial as 'Louis Capet', and after his execution Marie-Antoinette became 'La Veuve Capet' - widow Capet.

Marie Antoinette was survived by which 2 daughters?

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  • Marie Thèrése (20 December 1778 - october 1851)
  • Louis Jozeph (22 october 1781 - 4 June 1789)
  • Louis Charles (27 march 1785 - 8 June 1795)
  • Sophie Beatrix Hélène (9 July 1786 - 19 June 1787)

Did Marie Antoinette live during the Enlightenment era?

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Yes, she did. It is also said that she was interested in the works of Rousseau, a major figure of the Enlightenment, whose ideas penetrated the minds of those who would become revolutionaries during the French Revolution that took the royal family's lives. It is a good example of how one set of ideas can become something else entirely over time.

What was Marie Antoinette remembered for?

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Unfortunately, Marie Antoinette is most well-known for saying "Let them eat cake", which is untrue, and for being incredibly frivolous while the French were starving. She was guillotined on October 16, 1793 for treason and incest. However, she was a great mother to her children and ordered fires to be built in the streets of Paris to warm the people in the winters. She does not deserve her fate or her reputation.

Why did Marie Antoinette choose to live in France?

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She had to. She had to adjust herself and her behavior to French standards when she arrived in France. She had to think, act and even dream French so they told her.

Also, life in the Austrian Palace Schonbrun had been quit relaxed and loose, but in France at Versailles the etiquette was incredibly strict.

She had to put up with it and adjust. She had to know exactly how to greet someone according to rank (and there were a lot of different ranks!), how to sit, eat, hold her head, walk, etc. Everything about her had to change to French standards.

What was the name of the French Palace once home to King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette called?

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Versailles. Or, more specifically, the Chateau de Versailles (castle of Versailles)

From Wikipedia:

Louis XIV had the Chateau of Versailles outside Paris, originally a hunting lodge built by his father, converted into a spectacular royal palace in a series of four major and distinct building campaigns. By the end of the third building campaign, the Château had taken on most of the appearance that it retains to this day, except for the Royal Chapel in the last decade of the reign. He officially moved there, along with the royal court, on May 6, 1682.

What are weaknesses of Marie Antoinette?

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# very outspoken # incredibly fashionable # frivolous and flirtatious (though faithfull to her husband) # naive # in need of love and affection # easily bored # loved entertainment very much # misunderstood and therefore frustrated # strong and brave from beginning to end # a very caring and loving mother

Why were the peasants angry at Marie Antoinette?

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Peasants of the French Revolution were angry at Marie Antoinette because they felt she controlled Louis - the current king - and that she had too much of a say in the welfare and running of the country. She was easy to hate, after all she had been born an Austrian.

Why was Marie Antoinette and her husband put in jail?

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The French Revolutionists wanted to rid themselves of their system of absolute monarchy and Marie Antoinette tried to gather foreign assistance from Austria, Russia, Sweden & Prussia in the form of military aid to defeat the Revolutionists and, as such, she was later deemed a traitor to her own country. Once the Revolutionists found this out, they eventually killed her entire family except for her daughter, and they even killed her best friend when she wouldn't deny the oath of loyalty she had taken to her best friend, the Queen. After they killed her husband, the King, they took Marie's 8-year old son and placed him in solitary confinement for 2 years (during which he was actually the king) and they forced him to curse his mother and to drink alcohol between his frequent beatings. He died 2 years later of tuberculosis & his body was said to be covered in tumors & scabies which would signify a lingering, painful death.

So, despite whatever transgressions of the early years of Marie Antoinette's reign, people refused to see that along the way she matured & changed into a queen who did care about her people. She was simply a figurehead that represented all that was wrong in France and the people blamed the absolute monarchy for all of their problems. While the system of absolute monarchy was, indeed, fraught with problems, no one deserved to die as her family did and for what they died for. The sad thing is that by the time she died, she had been through so much heartache and suffering that she could have been a grand Queen who represented the cares and concerns of her people more than they could have imagined. Look up Marie Antoinette on Wikipedia. She was completely innocent, but the French needed a someone to blame all their poverty on. Throughout her life the most horrible stories were made up about her wild spending habits and disconcern for her starving country. She was Austrian, and ever since France had been in war with this country for several years before Marie Antoinette even came to France, she was absolutely not wanted on the French throne. She was not welcome being a foreigner and throughout her life they kept nicknaming her L'autrichiene (the Austrian). Everything that went wrong in the country was automatically blamed on her. Also other royals were very jealous of her and therefore she even had enemies very close to her, though she didn't know (her brother in law, Compte du Provence, was always so charming and nice to her, but financed loads and loads of horrible pamphlets to be printed about her and spread in Paris and beyond). The people charged her with treason and her head was severed by the guillotine in October of 1793, her husband (Louis XVI) was guillotined in January earlier that year.

Where did Marie Antoinette grow up?

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Marie Antoniette was married to Louis Auguste VI at 14. That is where it all started. She was then, not lowering the takes and was forced to go to Paris (where she introduced the croissant.) She Had two years of constant guard, before her husband's was executed for treason. She was executed 4 years after. Marie Was executed for treason and abusing her son. She did not do that though. And here is a fact about her: She was the last queen of france and wasn't even french!

Why was Marie Antoinette against the french revolution?

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At the time, the French people saw her not so much as a help to France, but as a menace. She did make significant, positive changes for France though, but they were recognized as such later, after she had died. She was the one that made Paris thé fashion capital in the world. She was the one that put Paris on the map of haute couture. Karl Lagerfeld, Christian Lacroix, Chanel, all the big designers still make clothing inspired by her. Also, she introduced the Croissant to France, making it the most famous sign of France, still today. She also ensured womens rights by showing (by her clothing and character) that a woman is someone to take account of and that there is more to a Queen than providing heirs to a throne.

How was the marriage of Louis xvi and Marie Antoinette?

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By marrying the heir to the throne, who 4 years later became Louis XVI. She herself was the daughter of the Holy Roman Empress and Archduchess of Austria, so she was by far the most suitable bride.