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Q: How does Mother Earth feel about wind power?
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What do you understand about wind power?

well i know when you eat baked beans you feel the full force of wind power

How is wind power formed arouned the earth?

Turbines get the wind and somehow turn them into energy.

How do you conserve wind power?

There's really no need to, as it's a renewable resource. As long as the Earth keeps having weather, there will also be wind for wind power.

Does the earth have wind power right now?

yes it does by tornadoes

How does wind power effect the earth?

Because of the air pollution

How is the wind natural resource?

Wind is a natural process, thus being a natural resource, created by our mother Earth and its weather.

Is wind renewable or non-renewable?

Wind is renewable. Wind energy is renewable because it harnesses the earth's natural winds. Wind power does not consume anything to be produced. It is the same basic concept as hydroelectric power.

Is wind renewable or non- renewable?

Wind is renewable. Wind energy is renewable because it harnesses the earth's natural winds. Wind power does not consume anything to be produced. It is the same basic concept as hydroelectric power.

Why does wind power need sunlight?

Wind Power needs sunlight. More specifically heat. It is the sun that heats the earth which causes evaporation and thermal changes. This in turn creates wind..or changes in weather.

What are some energy souroes?

Energy on Earth comes from the Sun, the wind, coal, the water, the Earth, and from nuclear power.

Do clouds move or you feel because of earth?

I believe the clouds are actually moving due to wind.

How can you feel if there is wind?

if there is wind i feel its cold