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HIs actions. He also changes his name on accident. His posture when he sat down was a major giveaway as well.

He first says his name is Sarah Williams. Then later saying his name is Mary Williams.

He also didn't close his legs when he sat down wearing a skirt. And thirdly, he poked the yarn when he was supposed to use the needle and thread.

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1mo ago

Mrs. Loftus figures out that Huckleberry Finn is not a girl by noticing his inability to thread a needle and the way he catches objects when she tosses them as a test. This leads her to realize that he must be a boy.

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In Mark Twain's novel "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," the character Huck is a boy. There is no specific girl character named Huck in the story.

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Huckleberry Finn or To Kill a Mockingbird or The Lord of Rings books.

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Mrs. Loftus discovers that Huck is not a girl when he reveals his ability to thread a needle with both hands. Typically, girls are expected to have more refined sewing skills, but Huck's proficiency with both hands gives him away as a boy.

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Huck was in St. Petersburg in Chapter XI, or 11, when Huck played the role of a made-up girl whom he named Sarah Mary Williams(he wore a dress and a bonnet!). I also believe that he was in St. Petersburg chapters I-V, or 1-5, and then again in chapter 11, but I'm not sure.

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