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Q: How does Odysseus and his men finally escape from the cyclops Polyphemus?
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Why did Odysseus blind Polyphemus?

Odysseus blinded Polyphemus as a strategic move to escape from the cyclops' cave. By blinding him, Odysseus made it easier to outsmart Polyphemus and his fellow cyclopes, enabling his crew to escape.

What do Odysseus and his men do to Polyphemus the cyclops before the escape?

they poke out his eye.

Who escaped from the cave of the Cyclops?

Odysseus and 6 of his 12 men escape from the cyclops Polyphemus' cave.

Short Odysseus and the cyclops story?

Odysseus and his men get trapped in the cyclops Polyphemus' cave. To escape, Odysseus blinds the cyclops with a sharpened stake, but Polyphemus traps them in the cave. Odysseus devises a plan to escape by hiding under the sheep and leaving while Polyphemus lets his sheep out to graze, narrowly avoiding being crushed by the giant's hand.

What do Odysseus and his men find in a cave?

Odysseus and his men find the Cyclops Polyphemus in a cave. The Cyclops traps them inside and proceeds to eat some of the men before Odysseus devises a plan to blind Polyphemus and escape.

What did Odysseus hide under to escape the cyclops?

Odysseus hides under Polyphemus' largest ram as it exits the cave.

How Odysseus manages to escape death?

In The Cyclops, when he and his men are trapped in Polyphemus's cave, Odysseus stabs him in the eye to blind him. Once he is blinded he ties his men and himself to the Cyclops animals and when the Cyclops lets the animals outside they escape.

Who killed 72 of Odysseus' men in the oddessy?

In the Odyssey, the 72 men were killed by the Cyclops named Polyphemus. Odysseus and his crew became trapped in the Cyclops' cave, and to escape, they blinded Polyphemus. As a result, the enraged Cyclops killed some of Odysseus' men as they were leaving the island.

What valuable trait does Odysseus use to get away from the cyclops?

Odysseus uses his intelligence, cunning, and resourcefulness to trick the cyclops Polyphemus and escape from his cave.

Why does Odysseus lie and say that his ship was smashed when the cyclops asks its location?

Odysseus did not trust the cyclops. Polyphemus might have attempted to smash the ship to ensure that there was no means of escape.

How does Odysseus trick the cyclops?

Odysseus tricked the cyclops by befriending him they got him drunk... when polyphemus (the cyclops) fell asleep the were able to stab him in the eyem making it a bit easier to escape seeing as they were never not prisoners. The nobody part was ... he told the cyclops (whom isn't very bright) that his name was nobody so when polyphemus got stabbed he screams " nobody stabbed my eye!" this is how odysseus tricked polyphemus the cyclops

How does Polyphemus being a cyclops instead of an ordinary giant help Odysseus escape in the Odyssey?

Odysseus is able to escape the cave by blinding Polyphemus' one eye. It would be hard to blind a two-eyed giant.