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He feels very lucky to be alive.

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Q: How does Odysseus respond to the shipwreck that he meets upon leaving calypso?
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When Calypso asks Odysseus to compare her with Penelope does Odysseus respond satisfactorily?

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Be honest with them, tell them how you feel, and see if they respond.

What lie did Odysseus tell the cyclopes?

1. When the Cyclops Polyphemus asks Odysseus where his ship is, Odysseus lies and says it was destroyed upon the rocks of the shore. 2. Odysseus told the cyclops that his name was "Nobody". When Odysseus and his men blind the cyclops (neither Odysseus nor the Cyclops dies), he yells to his friends for help. They ask him what is wrong and he answers saying, "Nobody's killing me now by fraud and not by force!" (Fagles' translation 9.455). They respond by saying that it must be the plague killing him and they can't help. They advise him to pray.

How does cyclops respond when Odysseus tells him that Zeus will punish him for offending guests?

Polyphemus called Odysseus a fool and indicated that he had no fear of Zeus because the Cyclopes were stronger than he was, and that he would only give them traditional hospitality if he felt like doing so (which he did not)

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Ask them if they're looking for a long and serious relationship before leaving them. If they don't respond in a serious way then yes, leave that player!

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Odysseus cunningly told the cyclops, Polyphemus, that he was named "Nobody". As a result, when Polyphemus was screaming in horrible pain after Odysseus (Nobody) stabbed him with a stake in the eye, the neighboring cyclopes yelled to Polyphemus to see if he needed help. Polyphemus responded that Nobody was attacking him.

Is it respond to or respond for?

It can be either one, depending on your meaning. You would "respond to" a question or comment directed at you. You would "respond for" someone else who cannot respond for themselves.