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By dragging them onto the ship and tying them underneath their seats

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Q: How does Odysseus save his men from the Lotus-Eaters?
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How does Odysseus treat his men?

Odysseus is loyal to his men and values them to an extent. Odysseus rushes to save his men from Circe and weeps when he discovers that one of his crew members, Elpenor, had died without notice. However, Odysseus does sacrifice six of his men to the Scylla and knows that he will be the only one to survive the journey home.

To what dose Homer liken Scylla's capture of Odysseus men?

Homer likens Scylla's capture of Odysseus's men to a fisherman reeling in his catch with a rod and line, unable to save his prey once it has been caught.

What did the cyclops do to Odysseus' men?

He ate Odysseus's men.

What did Odysseus have to do for Circe to save his men?

Odysseus had to best Circe in several different ways: He resisted her magic by ingesting the moly. He resisted her wiles, by making her swear to do no harm to him. He bedded Circe. He then refused to eat until his men were transformed back into men.

How does Odysseus save his men from the lotus eaters' island?

Odysseus dragged the three men back to the ship and tied them down, warning no one else to eat the lotus. When everyone was back they sailed off, escaping the island.

What did Circe turn Odysseus' men into?

Circe turned Odysseus' men Into swine.

What does scylla do to Odysseus men?

She captures six of Odysseus' men and eats them alive

How does Polyphemus meet Odysseus and his men?

Odysseus and his men wait in the cyclops cave, as Odysseus is curious as to who the cyclops is. As Polyphemus brings in his sheep, he spots the men in the cave.

Which of these statements is true regarding the Cicones and Odysseus and his men?

The Cicones outnumbered Odysseus and his men.

What did the cicones do to Odysseus and his men?

The Cicones killed 6 men from each of Odysseus's ships.

Why does the cyclops hold Odysseus and his men captive?

Polyphemus finds Odysseus' men tasty.

What main problem did Odysseus have with his men?

The problem with Odysseus's men is that they admire him, but they don't listen to him.