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The water gave Percy stregnth. When he got in the water, he almost killed a bunch of the SIX Ares kids, and when he BROKE Clarisse's magic spear, they realized he wasn't really a wimpy runt. That happened during Percy's first Capture the flag. Right after Percy broke the spear, Luke captured Ares' Cabin's flag.

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Q: How does Percy manage to overcome kids from Ares' cabin of lightning thief?
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Can an alarm company provide service to your cabin in the middle of a wooded forest?

Alarm companies can provide service to places in many locations, even the middle of the woods. All the cabin would need is electricity and a phone line run to it to provide this service.

What is a home made out of logs covered with grasses sticks and soil?

This is a log cabin with a sod roof.

Will carbon monoxide in a car cabin cause eyes to burn?

No. That's what makes carbon dioxide so dangerous: you can't see, smell, or feel it.

What was the last tornado or hurricane that hit New Mexico?

Hurricanes cannot hit New Mexico. The last tornado to hit the state was an EF0 east of Santa Fe on October 12, 2012. It snapped some trees and damaged a log cabin.

Why do ears pop at high altitudes?

Usually, ears do not get blocked upon reaching altitude. Rather, ears get blocked during descent. The reason is that the Eustachian tube, which is a membrane lined tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose, gets blocked (most likely by congestion from a cold), and is no longer able to equalize the pressure being placed on the ear drum by the increasing air pressure experienced during descent. Most commercial aircraft can only maintain sea level pressure in the cabin up to about 18,000 feet. When they go above that altitude, they have to increase the cabin altitude so as not to over stress the structure of the aircraft. Cabin altitudes can get up to 8,000 feet and higher during flight, depending on the actual aircraft altitude, so when the aircraft descends, the cabin altitude must be brought back down to sea level (or the actual altitude of the landing airport). It is during this "descent" of the cabin altitude that the pressure is increased and most ear blocks are experienced. Hope that helps. ANOTHER POSSIBILITY The tube in your ear is "empty", meaning there is no fluid in it most of the time. As you ascend and descend, the air pressure changes cause the tube to collapse or engorge, and require a little help equaliizing. When you pinch your nose and blow, the pop is the tube opening up because you have increased the pressure inside to match the higher pressure outside as you descend quickly which caused the eardrum to move slightly. With asscent, air gets trapped in the tube, and yawning stretches the muscles of the head and neck, allowing the extra pressure out. The pop is the eardrum moving again. When altitude changes are made slowly, like in a car or hiking, the air pressure gets equalized automatically, and your ears won't pop

Related questions

In the book The Lightning Thief what was Percy's cabin number?

Percy was in Cabin 3.

In Percy Jackson the lightning thief what is cabin 3 dedcated to?


What shows up at the cabin and Percy Jackson the lightning thief?

In "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief," when Percy arrives at Cabin 3 at Camp Half-Blood, he learns that the cabin belongs to Poseidon's children. Inside the cabin, he finds it filled with seashells, sea-themed decorations, and bunk beds covered in silk sheets. Percy also meets his half-brothers and sisters who share the same divine parent.

Who is the leader of the Apollo cabin in Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief?

Lee Fletcher, before he died in the battle of labyrinth

How does Percy Jackson manage to overcome the kids from Ares's cabin?

well, they never really did anything to him accept in the first book they ganged up on him during capture the flag but he beat them and when Clarisse tried to dunk his head in the toilet he used his powers to make the toilet water spray Clarisse and her cabin mates along with Annabeth.

In Percy Jackson the lightning thief why is annabethupset with Percy after they leave cabin 11?

Because she says " You've gotta do better than that! These people have been waiting for the chance to kill the Minotaur . Impress them!"

What is a summary of The Lightning Thief chapter 22?

in the last chapter of the lightning thief, Percy, Annabeth and Grover return home to camp with a great welcome. they get to attend a big feast and wear laurel crowns and burn shrouds. the Athena cabin makes Annabeth a grey silk shroud with an embroidered owl and the Ares cabin makes Percy's. the one that the Ares cabin make Percy is a bed sheet with x'd out smiley faces. afterward Luke and Percy go to the forest to relax on the last day of camp and Luke tries to kill Percy with a pit scorpion that can kill in 60 seconds. Annabeth takes Percy's advice and ends up going home for the year.

Is Clairesse in Percy Jackson and the Olympians?

Clarisse is how you actually spell it...Yes, she is in the books. She is a daughter of Ares, and she stays in cabin 5 at Camp Half-Blood. Percy is her mortal enemy because in the first book:The Lightning Thief, Percy gets mad at Clarisse and soaks her with toilet water.

What cabin is Grover Underwood in in The Lightning Thief?

he is not in a cabin he is a satyr

What Is the summary for the lightning thief chapter 7?

Chapter 7: My Dinner Goes Up in Smoke Percy finds out that his dad is Poseidon, the ocean god. He is placed into his proper cabin.

Why was Percy placed in cabin 11 in the book the lighting thief by Rick Riordan?

Percy was placed in cabin 11 at Camp Half-Blood because it is the cabin for children of the sea god Poseidon, who is Percy's father. Each cabin at Camp Half-Blood is designated for children of specific gods based on their parentage. Percy being the son of Poseidon made him a resident of cabin 11.

Why is Percy put in cabin 11?

While I don't remember specific cabin numbers, the general idea was this. At first, he was put in a cabin which was usually assigned to demigods who hadn't been "claimed" or "recognized" yet by their parents - i.e., before Poseidon said that Percy was his son. Once his father had recognized him as his son, he was placed in a cabin reserved for Poseidon's children.