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Piggy made several comments about the first fire on the mountain top, including, and I quote... "My! You've made a big heap, haven't you?" "We haven't made a fire," he said, "what's any use. We couldn't keep a fire like that going, not if we tried." "You said you wanted a small fire and you been and built a pile like a hayrick." "Then when you get here you build a bonfire that isn't no use."

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14y ago
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1mo ago

Piggy describes their role in building a fire as providing the knowledge and expertise on how to start and maintain it. He emphasizes the importance of the fire for their survival and criticizes the other boys for their lack of responsibility and care in tending to it.

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14y ago

his glasses use the sun to transfer haet on the wood to burn it.

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14y ago

Piggy's combination of being very fat, lazy and suffering from Asthma meant that by the time he reached the top of the mountain the other boys had already finished building the fire.

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13y ago

his glasses to start the fire using the sun

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Q: How does Piggy describe their actions in building a fire?
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What reason is given to show that Piggy helped with the fire?

When Jack accused Piggy of not helping much with the building of the fire in chapter2: Fire on the Mountain Simon defended Piggy by mentioning that they had used Piggy's spectacles to light the fire so he had helped in that way.

What does piggy suggest they do since they can't return to the mountain to build a fire?

Piggy suggests building the fire on the beach by using the lenses of the boys' glasses to focus the sunlight and start the fire. He recommends using the lenses like a magnifying glass to create the fire. Eventually, they successfully build the fire on the beach.

What does Piggy suggest since they can no longer build the fire on the mountain?

The boys use his specs(glasses) to direct the sunlight to the sticks on the mountain and make a fire.

What does piggy suggest to him cheers him up?

Piggy suggests building a signal fire to increase their chances of being rescued which cheers up Ralph. Piggy also reminds Ralph of their goal to work together and maintain order on the island.

Why does jack steal piggys glasses?

Jack steals Piggy's glasses because he sees them as a valuable resource needed for making fire, which he believes will help him gain power and control over the group. In his pursuit of dominance, he disregards Piggy and the consequences of his actions.

How did piggy describe everyones reaction about the fire?

Piggy described everyone's reaction to the fire as mostly chaotic and disorganized. He noted that the boys would often become caught up in the excitement of the moment without fully considering the potential consequences or thinking through a plan of action.

Why did the hunters steal the glasses in the book lord of the flies ch10?

The hunters stole Piggy's glasses in "Lord of the Flies" to create fire. The fire was needed to signal any passing ships for rescue. However, the hunters were influenced by Jack's power and desire for control, leading to their aggressive and rebellious actions.

What does Piggy contribute to the fire?

his glasses

Who were the other two that helped keep the fire burning in lord of flies?

The other two characters who helped keep the fire burning in "Lord of the Flies" were Piggy and Simon. Piggy was responsible for suggesting the idea of using Piggy's glasses to light the fire, while Simon helped to gather wood for the fire.

Why do Ralph and piggy go to castle rock?

Ralph wants to get Piggy's specs back and Piggy wanted to kill Jack there and then.

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They took Piggy's glasses, and fire from Ralph's camp.

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