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Ralph attracts the younger kids on the island by demonstrating confidence, leadership, and a sense of responsibility. He is also friendly and approachable, which makes the younger kids feel safe and reassured in his presence. Ralph's ability to engage with them and include them in decision-making helps to cultivate a sense of unity and belonging among the group.

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How does Ralph plan to attract attention to the island?

Ralph suggests a signal fire, which the boys light on the top of the mountain. The intention is to add green branches to produce smoke to attract the attention of any ship or plane which they might see.

How does the savages plan to catch Ralph what is ironic about the outcome of their plan?

The savages plan to catch Ralph by setting the island on fire to smoke him out. The irony is that in their pursuit to capture him, they unintentionally attract the attention of a naval officer who rescues Ralph, ultimately ending their savagery and restoring order.

What is Ralph's age?

No age is actually given for any of the boys on the island. It can be assumed that they are between the ages of twelve and fourteen, but some of the boys on the island were much younger, perhaps as young as five or six.

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Ralph says this line in "Lord of the Flies." It is a reflection of the desperation and fear that the boys feel as they struggle to maintain a signal fire on the island to attract rescue.

How does Ralph attract the other boys to the island what does he do?

Type your answer here...Ralph declares that they must light a signal fire to attract the attention of passing ships. Ralph suggests a signal fire, which the boys light on the top of the mountain. The intention is to add green branches to produce smoke to attract the attention of any ship or plane which they might see .(OR)Ralph finds a conch shell in the lagoon and after some prompting from Piggy he manages to blow it and produce a loud booming note, which attracts other boys to the location.

Why was it ironic that jack used fire to capture Ralph?

It was ironic because fire started by the group to attract rescue ships became the tool to hunt and capture Ralph, representing the deterioration of civilization on the island. This reversal highlights the loss of moral values and descent into savagery among the boys.

What Protects littluns?

The older boys and Ralph are responsible for protecting the littluns from danger on the island. They build shelters, maintain the signal fire, and try to provide a sense of order and safety for the younger boys.

Does Ralph macchio have any siblings?

Yes, he has a brother named Steven. He's two years younger than Ralph.

What information does Ralph report to the boys at the afternoon meeting in chapter 2?

Ralph reports to the boys at the afternoon meeting in chapter 2 about the need for setting up rules and regulations to maintain order on the island, the importance of keeping the signal fire burning to attract potential rescuers, and the discovery of a beast or "snake-thing" on the island.

When did Richard Neville - the younger - die?

Richard Neville - the younger - died in 1717.

What does jack want to do before they are rescued?

Jack wants to explore the island, find food and water sources, build shelter, and make a signal fire to attract rescuers.

How do the younger boys act when they get to the island?

They might kill each other and Ralph will survive