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Roderick keeps the narrator from knowing that Madeline is still alive by telling the narrator that Madeline has died and that he has already buried her. He also explains that they must keep her body in the house temporarily to comply with her dying wish, thus preventing the narrator from questioning her whereabouts. Roderick's manipulative behavior and the eerie atmosphere of the house contribute to the deception.

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Q: How does Roderick keep the narrator from knowing that Madeline is still alive?
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What does the narrator learn as he and Roderick and gaze on the lady Madeline in her coffin?

The narrator learns that Lady Madeline is still alive and that Roderick buried her prematurely. He witnesses her terrifying return from the tomb, which ultimately leads to the collapse of the mansion and the deaths of Roderick and Madeline.

What does Roderick think they did to Madeline?

Roderick believes they prematurely buried Madeline alive.

What do Roderick and the narrator do about Madeline getting buried alive in the fall of the house of usher?

They discover that Madeline was buried alive and had managed to escape from the tomb. She confronts Roderick in a terrifying state, leading to their deaths and causing the house to collapse. The narrator flees the scene and witnesses the house crumbling into the tarn.

How does Roderick die in The fall of the house of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe?

He dies of fear when he comes face to face with his twin sister Madeline, who had returned to the house after having been put in her tomb alive. madeline fell on roderick

Who was the helpless victim in 'The Fall of the House of Usher'?

The "helpless victim" is Madeline Usher, the twin sister of Roderick Usher, because she was buried alive. She was unable to resist the entombment because she suffers from bouts of catalepsy, where she is unable to move. Roderick Usher tells the narrator that she has died and it appears so to the narrator, so they put her into a coffin and entomb her in the family vault in the basement. The narrator believes she is dead but remarks that her face still has a faint blush and a lingering smile. Over the next few days, the narrator hears noises from the basement but does nothing about it. In time he realizes that they have buried her alive. She had been in the grip of a cataleptic seizure which made it impossible for her to resist the burial. That explains why she still had a blush to her face. Thus, Madeline was helpless to avoid being victimized by Roderick Usher entombing her while she was still alive.

Explain why at the end of the story Roderick calls the narrator madman house of usher?

Roderick calls the narrator a "madman" because he believes the narrator buried his sister alive. Roderick is overcome with guilt and hallucinations, causing him to view the narrator as a crazed figure contributing to the destruction of the House of Usher.

The Fall of the House of Usher?

"The Fall of the House of Usher" is a gothic short story written by Edgar Allan Poe, first published in 1839. It tells the story of a narrator who visits his childhood friend, Roderick Usher, in his decaying mansion. As the story progresses, supernatural events unfold, leading to the destruction of both the house and the Usher family. The tale explores themes of madness, isolation, and the power of fear.

What symptoms of Madeline and illness causes Roderick to put his sister in a vault for two weeks after her death?

Madeline suffered from catalepsy, a condition where the body becomes rigid and unresponsive. Roderick believed that she had died and placed her in the vault, unaware that she was still alive when he buried her. The shock and horror of discovering this likely contributed to Roderick's decline in mental health.

What are Roderick reason for placing Madeline in the vault below the house?

He wants to kept Madeline in the vault below the house because he fears that the doctors might dig up her body for scientific examination, since her disease was so strange to them.

When does lady Madeline die in The Fall of the House of Usher?

She falls into a catatonic state, is pronounced dead and then entombed alive. She regains consciousness, struggles out of her tomb, makes her way to her brother (who had been afraid to tell that she was still alive, though he knew it) and drops dead on him (literally), scaring him to death (also literally).

What does roderick say is causing the sounds in the house?

Roderick believes the sounds in the house are caused by the supernatural energy from the crumbling mansion itself. He thinks the physical structure of the house is alive and emitting disturbing sounds.

In The Fall of the House of the Usher what did Roderick plan to do with the body?

Roderick Usher planned to bury his sister, Madeline, in a vault within the house temporarily until a more permanent solution could be arranged. However, the story takes a dark turn when it is revealed that Madeline was still alive when she was buried and later escapes from the vault.