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Q: How does Samuel Adams feel about the tax on tea?
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What was Samuel Adams goal for the Boston Tea Party?

Samuel Adams goal for the Boston tea party was for the British to take the tax off the tea.

What was the name of the raid Samuel Adams organized to protest the import tax on tea?

The Boston Tea Party

Who lead the resistance to the tea tax and why?

We believe that Samuel Adams and John Hancock planed it but we don't know who led it

What was the event known as that resulted from the tax on tea imposed by the British?

the Tea Act. Samuel Adams,Thomas Hutchinson,and Francis Rotch.. I think it is the Boston Tea Party.

How did Samuel Adams get the ships for the Boston Tea Party?

First, Samuel Adams had nothing to do with the Boston Tea Party. Second, the ships were British and no one "got them." There is also a misunderstanding on why the party happened. The British had LOWERED the tax on tea which made the tea smuggled into the colonies a higher price tea. This was an economic issue and the "party" wasn't a planned event. It just happened.

The Boston tea party with Samuel Adams and Paul Revere?

Samuel Adams and Paul Revere led Patriots in throwing tea into Boston Harbor to protest tea taxes.

Did Samuel Adams participant in the Boston tea party?


Who was the leader of the Bostron Tea Party?

Samuel Adams

Who lead in the Boston Tea Party?

Samuel Adams!!

Who was leader of the Boston Tea Party?

samuel adams

Who was know for the famous tea party?

Samuel Adams

Who was responsible for the Boston Tea Party?

Samuel Adams