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highest in the world. so ridiculously high that it just seems unnatural.

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Q: How does Scandinavia's standard of living rank among the world?
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Where is the highest standard of living in the Europe?

The highest standard of living in Europe is MonacoImproved : Norway has the highest standard of living in Europe and the World... If Ranked by the UN.. Monaco would have the 23rd highest living standard in the world.

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The Standard of Living in Kenya is the 147th highest in the world. It is considered a developing country. Its standard of living is comparable to that of Bangladesh and Haiti.

Is Swedens standard of living one of the highest in the world?

No, but very close! Norway has the highest standard of living in the world. Sweden has the 7th highest.

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Italy has a high standard of living, the 18th highest in the world and the 13th in Europe. It is a developed country with the living standard equivalent to that of Liechtenstein.

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Morocco has a moderate standard of living compared to Western countries. The cost of living is relatively low, but income disparities exist between urban and rural areas. Access to healthcare, education, and infrastructure can vary depending on location.

Living standard of peoples in the world?

It depends on the country

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The Living Standard of Portugal is very high. It is a developed country with the 34th highest living standard in the world. Its living standard is comparable with that of Qatar or the Czech Republic.

How do people live in America?

America has a high standard of living! As of 2008 (the 2009 index for standard of living is not yet out) The United states has the 15th highest standard of living in the World (Iceland being 1)

What is the standard of living in Australia?

The standard of living is Australia is the 2nd highest in the world, after Norway. Australia has a very high economy and produces a lot of smart and wealthy people in the world.

What is Sweden's standard of living?

Swedens standard of living is 5th highest in Europe after Norway, Iceland, Ireland,and Netherlands. It has the 7th highest in the World.

What is Cameroon standard of living?

Poor. It is ranked 179th in the world