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The plot of the Tempest in one of the few which came out of Shakespeare's brain and not out of a book he had read or an older play he had seen or acted in. Part of what he wanted in this play was a happy romance between a couple of young people. Such plot strands can be found in many plays of the time with a happy ending, and in many of Shakespeare's. The play ends with the parties intending to marry (rarely do they actually marry on stage, as this would be the depiction of a sacrament). In this play, the theme is reconciliation, and part of the reconciliation is the joining by marriage Prospero's family with the family of the Duke of Naples, formerly his enemy and the ally of his usurping brother.

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Of course, it was (and still is to a certain extent) a good idea to start a play with a bang: a brawl, a ghost, some cackling witches, or a storm. It gets the audience's attention. This was more important when performing in an outdoor theatre like the Globe where there were no house lights to dim and it was hard to signal that the play was about to start. There is a price to pay, of course: Prospero must tell Miranda the backstory in Scene 2 which is very tedious, but the audience is already hooked by that point (at least Shakespeare hoped so.)

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It does not. Prospero does address the audience directly at the end of the play, just as Rosalind does in As You Like It, as an epilogue. Lots of plays by Shakespeare and his contemporaries have an epilogue which is someone who comes on, offers a comment on the story and invites the audience to applaud. But--and this is the important part--the epilogue does not speak until the story is fully told. Thus the question of which actor delivers the epilogue cannot affect the story, which is already over.

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The audience only learns about the events in Milan from the character

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Q: How does Shakespeare's decision to structure the Tempest to include the marriage of Miranda and Ferdinand most likely affect the story?
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Which of the following mystical figures appears to perform a marriage masque to Ferdinand and Miranda?


Which mystical figure appears to perform a marriage masque for Ferdinand and Miranda?

The masque is made up of the Roman goddesses Iris, Ceres and Juno.

What is ironic about Capulet's decision to have Juliet marry Paris in three days?

Capulet's announcement of Juliet and Paris's marriage is ironic because he made the decision the morning of Juliet's wedding night. Juliet tries to resist the marriage because she is already married to Romeo.

What were shakespeare's twins called?

Yes. Hamnet, the oldest of the two and born after Susanna, died of the Plague at the age of eleven. Judith, the youngest of the two born after Hamnet, after marriage was banned from the church because Thomas Quiney (Husband) made another woman pregnant.Shakespeare's wife Anne gave birth to twins in 1595. They were called Hamnet and Judith. They were named after the next-door-neighbours, Hamnet and Judith Sadler, great friends of the Shakespeares.

How does Lord Capulet's decision complicate the plot?

Well, he makes several decisions over the course of the play. For example, in Act 1 Scene 5 when Tybalt complains that Romeo is a Montague party-crasher, Capulet decides to let Romeo stay. As a result he meets Juliet and forgets all about Rosaline. As a result we get the plot. His decision to turn down Paris's initial offer of marriage to Juliet, his decision to change his mind and promise Paris that he can marry Juliet, and his decision to try to force Juliet to marry him rather than apologise to Paris and say that Juliet has no interest in marrying him after all are all decisions which impact the plot.

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What mystical figure appears to perform a marriage masque for Ferdinand and Miranda?

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