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Q: How does South African largest telescope work?
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What accounts for large numbers of African Americans in the south?

Most people tend to remain near where their ancestors lived. Since a very large number of African Americans descend from Africans imported to the South to work as slaves, there are still large numbers of African Americans in the South.

What was life like for free african americans in the south?

Freedom greatly changed the lives of African Americans in the south. After they became free, they were no longer forced to do work for plantation owners, and could have their own families.

What is the name of the country that developed geostatistics?

no country developed it, of course, but maybe you could say that the work of Krige started the field. He was South African.

Can a zimbabwean with a work permit in south Africa get a car loan?

some car dealers like auto pedigree would allow you to, but need to have a south African licence, which should be easy to obtain if you have you work permit plus a permanent working contract

Where to find Free criminal record check in South Africa?

The South African National Archives provides free basic information on all matters relating to persons in South Africa. (See related link below) If certification is required you will need to perform a detailed criminal check through the South African Police Services which can be done at any South African police station for a minimal charge. There are two different checks, one just a basic written confirmation and the other the person get issued a certificate as proof.

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What are the largest reflecting telescopes?

Radio telescopes. I believe the largest INDIVIDUAL radio telescope has a diameter of about 300 meters. Moreover, several of those are often connected to work in unison.

Where did African slaves go to work?

mostly on plantations and on the feilds in the south

Does south African games work in Australian consoles?

it depends on the console

If you hold a South African passport do you need a work or study visa for Namibia?


The effects of bad work ethic on the south African economy?

Erm, a bad economy?

Are South African people free?

Not all South African people are free as some are still forced to work for little pay. Though the society in which they live in is changing slowly but surely.

What accounts for large numbers of African Americans in the south?

Most people tend to remain near where their ancestors lived. Since a very large number of African Americans descend from Africans imported to the South to work as slaves, there are still large numbers of African Americans in the South.

Why are reflecting telescope and refracting telescope considered as optical telescope?

"Optical", in this case, simply means that they work with light.

What is the difference between an astronomical telescope and a Galilean telescope?

A Galilean Telescope is also an Astronomical Telescope so it is just a subset of Astronomical Telescopes.

The largest optical telescope has four 8.2 meter?

The largest optical telescope, the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, consists of four 8.2-meter telescopes that can work together as one larger telescope using interferometry techniques. This allows for high-resolution observations and the ability to study objects in space with greater detail and precision.

How does refracting telescope work?

it doesnt