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William's murder plays a crucial role in advancing the plot of Frankenstein because it leads to Victor's intense guilt and sense of responsibility. This event drives Victor to seek revenge on the creature he created, setting off a chain of tragic events that ultimately culminate in the novel's conclusion.

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Q: How does William most advance the plot of Frankenstein?
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Frankenstein! This is how the monster and the mad doctor were destroyed by an angry mob. arson is a rarely-used plot device, you might be thinking of a Western or Boone-era film.-i mean about that era. The l93l Frankenstein ( Colin Clive and Boris Karloff) used this plot device.


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i dont know i need someone to help me with it

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You can use foreshadowing(hints that tell what will happen later) which generally leads to the plot or you can use flashbacks and carry the plot through to the resolution

Will there be a fourth Koontz Frankenstein book?

Yes, Frankenstein, Lost Souls was recently released in June 2010 and the ending leaves itself open for a continuation of the plot including nearly all of the original characters. Just finished it and am already looking for book # 5!!