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Spider crabs reproduce sexually, the same as normal crabs

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Q: How many eggs do Japanese spider crab reproduce?
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Does a crab reproduce by laying eggs?

Yes! Crabs reproduce by laying eggs.

How do merostomata reproduce?

Merostomata, such as the horseshoe crab, reproduce by having the male fertilize the females eggs. The female horseshoe crab can lay up to 60,000 eggs at a time which she buries in the sand after they have been fertilized.

What kind of spider is completely yellow no markings?

Misumenoides formosipes (crab spider) According to "Spiderman" Brian Carroll, this flower crab spider cannot change its color like a chameleon. He performed an experiment and disproved the myth that this spider can change to white or cream if placed on a white flower. What he did discover, however, is that if a yellow crab spider lays her eggs on a white-flowered plant, her offspring will be white, not yellow. Furthermore, if a white crab spider lays her eggs on a yellow-flowered plant her offspring will be yellow, not white.

How does the ghost crab reproduce?

Ghost crabs reproduce by mating in burrows dug by the male crab. The male passes the sperm to the female through specialized structures. The female then carries the eggs until they hatch into larvae, which are released into the ocean.

Is the Japanese giant spider crab going extinct?

king crabs are declining in population, but i don't know if we could say they are going to become extict. There might be a price climb if purchasing king crab because its availability is becoming more scarce. hope this helped!

How do blackbirds reproduce?

Blackbirds reproduce by laying eggs.

Does the female crab lay the eggs or does the male lay eggs?

The female crab lays the eggs, and not the male.

How do Japanese Spider crabs reproduce?

In general, spiders mate and the female lays eggs, which she "hides" in an egg sac. The female actually stores the sperm of the male until she is "ready" to lay the eggs. In a number of different species of spider, the female will kill and eat the male, which is considerably smaller, following mating. The eggs later hatch and the young are on their own. Some young spiders might "hang around" the web of the mother, if she is that kind of spider (the black widow is an example). But though she protects them in her web, the young (which are fully formed and capable) must eventually leave to make their own way - without any more assistance from their mother. Wikipedia has a great article on the spider, and a link to the portion of it that deals with reproduction is provided. Why not surf on over, read the short piece and become an expert?

When will your hermit crab give birth?

It won't. Hermit crabs don't get pregnant. They lay eggs. They need ocean and beach conditions to do it, so they do not reproduce as pets.

How do Crow reproduce?

It reproduce by eggs.

About how many eggs does a female crab lay?

About how many eggs does a female crab produce

Do reptiles reproduce by laying eggs?

Yes they ALL reproduce by laying eggs.