

How does a Sim get a paranormal job?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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14y ago

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you cannot get any of the college jobs unless you go to college first, so to get the Paranormal, Artist, or Natural Science jobs, you must first go to college and study under those specific classes. Then, all you have to do is find the job the normal way, by using a computer or newspaper.

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Get a job in the Paranormal career track, and you will get it as a career reward. You can get ressurect o nomitron by cheats also. Type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, than shift click on newspaper and select "Career rewards", than "Paranormal". It should appear in your sim's inventory, where career rewards are.

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Your sim is too young to get a job. Sims have to be adults. Your sim is still in school.

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First you need to have enough sims to build a workplace. Click a workplace to find out how many you need. Once you've built a workplace, tap/select it to bring up the Careers menu. Then you can select a sim and pick a career for them. Note what time their work starts. An hour before their work starts, the game will prompt you to send the sim to work. You do so by selecting the pulsing briefcase icon in the simtracker, or in the career panel. Note that a sim can't go to work if they're busy with another task at the time.

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No. That job is just like any other job and you wont die from it however if your sim works too hard you will get strain which makes the sim unhappy.

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By either using a cheat or getting your Sim a job with lots of promotions (you get promotions by getting the skills you Sims needs for their job, and the right amount of friends that they need for their job too.)

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