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The usual cause is the appendix getting infected.

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Q: How does a appendix go bad?
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Can a ruptured spleen cause your appendix to become bad?

A ruptured spleen will not affect your appendix.

What sentence can you make with the word appendix?

The man had to go to the hospital to have his appendix removed. The book had a large appendix of information.

Where does the appendix go in an essay?

after the first sentence

Can your appendix swell and then go down?


What is the pourpose of an appendix?

It is considered as a vestigial structure.Its function was to house cellulose digesting bacteria in ancient human.But along with the evolution,appendix has lost bacteria in it. Appendix serves as a safe house for useful bacteria when a disease flushes the intestine

Do you need your apendix?

No, you don't need your appendix as in the cavemen era they needed their appendix to take away the bad stuff when they ate meat as it was raw. But as we have pans etc we dont need it because all the bad stuff has been taken away.

Where does an appendix go in apa paper?

In an APA paper, the appendix is placed at the end after the reference list. Each appendix should start on a new page and be labeled with a letter (e.g., Appendix A, Appendix B). Make sure to refer to the appendices in the main text if they contain relevant supplementary information.

Did Zac Efron go to hospital?

Yes,he did go to the hospital. He went to get his appendix removed

What happens to undigested food?

undigested food will either go to your appendix or it will go out the drain.What_happensto_undigestive_food_after_digestion

Can an appendix be found on the left?

If you go through the looking glass maybe.

What can happen if ruptured appendix is not removed?

Peritonitis or a generalized infection in the abdomen will occur. Treatment of peritonitis as a result of a ruptured appendix includes removal of what remains of the appendix, insertion of drains.