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It makes bacteria the ultimate r-selected organism. They are small, thus requiring few nutrients, thus having a short life span and a fast rate at which they reproduce, so that an individual bacteria is incredibly weak, has low resistance, but a given species as a whole is incredibly strong, able to bounce back quickly from a cataclysm, has high resiliency.

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Q: How does a bacterium size can help with its survival?
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A virus is much much much smaller then a bacterium. Virus called phage can infect bacteria.

How does the size of a bacterium compare to the size of a bacteria?

Bacteria are all unicelular, but some live in colonies where they actually don't differ that much in cell size. 'Bacteria' is the plural form of 'bacterium'.

What is the size of an average bacterium?

0.2 to 5 microns

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All bacterium is microscopic.

What is the average size of bacterium?

50-500 nm

How does the size of microorganisms help their survival?

They are small in size.So their surface:volume ratio is very high.Therefore exchange of materials can be done efficiently.

What is the uncertainty of the position of the bacterium?

i couldn't help u there sorry

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An organism of microscopic or submicroscopic size, especially a bacterium or protozoan.

What is the size of a bacterium relative to a man?

A bacterium is general about 1 micron long. There are 1 million microns, or micrometers, in a meter, so the difference is about 1.5-2 million-fold.

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