

Best Answer

If you keep the bat constantly in your hand and wiggle it prominently and menacingly

from time to time as you walk around checking on your lackeys, peons, and coolies, they

will be less likely to slack off or take excessive breaks, and the work will be done sooner.

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17h ago

A Baseball bat makes work easier by increasing the force you can exert on the ball. The longer lever arm of the bat allows you to apply more torque, translating to increased speed and distance when hitting the ball. This helps in generating more power with less effort compared to using just your hand.

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Does simple machines make work easier or harder?

Simple machines usually decrease the amount of force needed and therefore making work easier. In some cases speed is traded like a baseball bat. It is called a third class lever. A simple pulley doesn't change the force but does change the direction.

How do you make baseball bats?

You take a wood or metal rod then form it in to a bat shape. Click on the 'How to Make a Baseball Bat' link below to read a simple explanation of how to make your own baseball bat.

Is basketball easier than baseball If so how is it easier than baseball?

basketball is not easier than baseball. when hitting in baseball, you have to determine what pitch is coming to you, then you have to swing, then you have to make contact on the exact right part of the bat for the ball to travel. this is extremely difficult to do. clearly, hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do in all of sports. therefore, basketball is not as hard as baseball.

What baseball bat brands make a -5 bat?

DeMarini brand makes a youth baseball bat that is -5 size.

Is swinging a baseball bat doing work?

Yea your using muscle to swing the bat so yes it is work

How do you make baseball bat lighter?

Do 30 push-ups before you bat!

How do you pick a baseball bat?

Basically, you pick which ever bat feels good for you, make sure that the bat is a good sized for you, and then you are ready to play baseball.

How do you make a paper baseball bat?


What is faster to make a baseball or a baseball bat?

Probably a baseball bat because the only material is a chunk of wood. (usually ash or maple)

What damages an aluminum baseball bat?

Big, heavy items like a heavy, metal baseball bat. Bricks work just as well.

Which baseball bat will make the ball go the farthest a wooden bat or a metal bat?

metal also known as aluminum

What is a bat use for during baseball?

You use a baseball bat when you have to hit a ball. You have to also swing it to make the ball move when you are practice.