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Q: What do the beetles use their second pair of wings for?
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What type of insect is a black hard shell flying bug about 1 inch long?

The flying black insect with a hard shell is called a beetle. Beetles have a hard exoskeleton and a pair of forewings called elytra. They have a second pair of wings called the alae or hind wings and this pair is what they use to fly.

How do ladybirds spread their wings?

Lady Beetles have a pair of hard casings (elytra) to protect their pair of fragile wings. They swing the rigid elytra aside and use the delicate wings.If you look up Coccinellidae in Wikipedia, you'll see some photos of these.

What is the use the first pair of wings?

The first pair of wings was used far before the time of the humans. Insects were the first to use wings.

What the Body parts use for locomotion of butterfly?

To walk, grasshoppers use 2 pairs of walking legs. These are the most anterior legs. To jump, they use 1 pair of large jumping legs. Of the 3 pair of legs, these are the most posterior. To fly, grasshoppers use their 2nd pair of membranous wings. The first pair is mostly for a cover to protect the delicate hind wings.

What is the word for the head of beetle?

Kingdom:AnimaliaPhylum:ArthropodaClass:InsectaSubclass:PterygotaInfraclass:NeopteraSuperorder:EndopterygotaOrder:ColeopteraLinnaeus, 1758In common with other insects, there are three main parts to a beetle's body: the head, the thorax (the middle part), and the abdomen (the back part). On the head, beetles have antennae (feelers), eyes, and a mouth. The legs and wings of the beetle are attached to the thorax. The abdomen of a beetle does not usually have special parts on the outside, but it has the beetle's stomach and intestines inside. Like other insects, beetles have no internal bones, but instead have a hard exoskeleton on the outside of the body. The exoskeleton is made of hard plates, like pieces of armour.WingsThe back wings of a beetle are see-through. This beetle uses its back wings to fly. The hard front wings are lifted up. The hard front wings of the beetle hide the back wings.Beetles are different to other insects because of their wings. Beetles have four wings. The front pair (two wings) have evolved into hard covers or elytra. The back wings are used for flying. They are thin and need the front wings to protect them when at rest. Beetles lift their front wings out of the way in order to fly. Most other insects do not have this arrangement, but the true bugs also have hard front wings.Not all beetles can fly. Some beetles do not have back wings, and some beetles cannot lift their front wings out of the way. Only a few beetles have no wings at all and can never fly. Beetles with no wings look similar to beetle larvae, so they are called larviform.[needs proving]LegsThe legs of beetles help them to walk, run, swim, and dig. All beetles have six legs. Each leg is made out of several parts. The parts on the end of each leg are often the smallest. They are similar to feet but are called tarsi. The last tarsus (the singular of tarsi) of each beetle "foot" has one or two claws on the end of it. Most beetles use their legs to walk or run. Some beetle legs are flat and have long hairs on them. These kinds of legs are found on water beetles and are good for swimming. Beetles that often dig in soil have flat legs with spines or horns at the edges. Flat legs with horns are called fossorial legs. A few beetles have large hind legs, similar to those of grasshoppers, which help the beetle to jump. Flea beetles are an example of jumping beetle. Sight and smellBeetles have compound eyes, which means the two big shiny eyes on the head are actually made out of many smaller parts. Sometimes the two eyes are each divided in half so that it looks like there are four eyes. One beetle family, the whirligig beetles, has divided eyes so that when they are swimming they can see on top of the water and inside the water at the same time. A few beetles have extra simple eyes (usually two) called ocelli. The ocelli are on the top of the beetle's head. Because beetles have no nose, they use their antennae to smell things. Beetles also use their antennae to feel things around them. Some beetles use their antennae to fight other beetles or even to fight larger animals that want to eat them. Beetle antennae do not all look the same. Some antennae are long and thin, while others are short and wide. Thin antennae are called filiform antennae, and antennae that are wide on the end are called clavate antennae.The mouthThe mouth of a beetle is very different from the mouth of a person. Most beetles have two hard mandibles at the front of their mouth which are a bit like teeth. Mandibles help the beetle eat by crushing and cutting food. In some beetles, the mandibles look like big pincers. Beetles also have four "fingers" around their mouth that push food into the mouth of the beetle. These fingers are called palpi. OtherBeetles do not breathe air through their mouths; instead they have holes called spiracles in the sides of their bodies which lead to trachea, which act like lungs. Beetles do not have blood, but they have something like blood, called hemolymph. It flows in their bodies and is usually a green colour. How beetles growAn example of a scarabaeiform larva Beetles start out as eggs that a female beetle lays. Some beetles can lay thousands of eggs during their lives. A larva comes out when an egg hatches. Most beetle larvae do not look like adult beetles. A beetle larva eats and grows larger until it changes and becomes a pupa. When the pupa opens, an adult beetle, sometimes called an imago, comes out. This way of growing up is called complete metamorphosis.Beetles eat the most when they are larvae. Some beetle larvae eat the outside of plants; some eat inside plants. Some beetle larvae are predators, which means they hunt for other insects to eat. Other beetle larvae eat dead things, such as dead plants and dead animals.Not all beetle larvae look the same. Some beetle larvae are flat and move very fast. To describe these larvae, scientists use the descriptive word campodeiform. Some beetle larvae look similar to hard worms with tiny legs. These have an elateriform shape. The larvae of click beetles are elateriform larvae. Click beetle larvae have a special name: wireworms. Other beetle larvae are short and very thick and are called grubs. Scientists say that grubs have a scarabaeiform shape. In a few beetles, the larvae change its shape after some time. Blister beetle larvae start out moving fast, such as campodeiform larvae, but end up slow and thick, more similar to scarabaeiform larvae.What beetles doFoodBeetles eat many different things including living plants, rotting plants, dead animals, and animal feces. Some beetles can eat both plants and animals, while others eat just one type of food. Beetles that can only eat one kind of thing are said to be host specific. Many leaf beetles and longhorn beetles are host specific. ProtectionBeetles are tough animals for their size. They are mechanically tough (the elytra), and have a variety of strategies to avoid being attacked by predators or parasitoids. These include camouflage, mimicry, toxicity, and active defense. There are many animals that want to eat beetles and beetle larvae. Animals that eat other animals (and that eat beetles) are called predators. Sometimes beetles eat each other. Other insects and spiders sometimes eat beetles. Larger animals, such as birds and mice, also eat beetles. How do beetles protect themselves?Some beetles live in places that are hard for predators to find. Some beetles, such as longhorn beetles, live in tunnels inside tree branches. Only special predators that are small enough to use the long-horned beetle tunnels can eat the longhorn beetles.Other beetles do not live in special places but they have colours or shapes that make them hard to find. When beetles have colours so that predators cannot see them, this is called camouflage. Some leaf beetles are green so that they can not be seen when they are on green leaves. Some beetles have very complex colours so that they look like bird feces.Sometimes beetles use colour to warn predators. Some beetles have black and yellow stripes so that they look similar to bees and wasps. Some beetles even behave similar to bees to confuse predators.Beetles have a wide range of chemical defences. This applies to the larvae as well as the adult imago. Many beetles taste bad when predators eat them. Lady beetles taste bad. Lady beetles also have colours that warn predators that they taste bad: bright colours with dark spots often means a beetle has a bad taste. Some beetles with bright colours and dark spots or lines are actually poisonous. Blister beetles are so poisonous that if a horse eats only a few of them, the horse may die!Very large beetles sometimes fight predators. Beetles that fight will often use their mandibles as teeth to bite their predators.ReproductionBeetles have sexual reproduction, which means males and females mate in order to make offspring. Before reproduction, male beetles sometimes fight to claim a female. This especially happens with stag beetles: males will fight using their long mandibles.Some beetles give special care to their eggs or larvae. Some scarab beetles, called dung beetles, roll balls of dung (feces) and put them in a hole in the ground. The female lays her eggs in the dung. When the eggs hatch, the larvae will eat the dung that their mother supplied for them.Kinds of beetlesRove beetles have short front wings (the red parts in this beetle's back) that do not cover their abdomen. Different kinds of beetles can be divided into groups called families. There are many beetle families. The biggest families are listed here.Ground beetles (family Carabidae) are often black and can be found under rocks. They eat other insects.Leaf beetles (family Chrysomelidae) usually eat on the outside of plants.Longhorn beetles (family Cerambycidae) have very long antennae. Most longhorn beetle larvae eat on the inside of plants.Weevils (family Curculionidae) have long faces that look like the trunk of an elephant. Weevils eat plants.Scarab beetles (family Scarabaeidae) have antennae that are wide on the end. Some scarabs are called dung beetles. Other scarabs are very colourful and eat plants.Rove beetles (family Staphylinidae) have short front wings that do not cover their abdomen. Rove beetles eat other insects.Beetles and peopleSome beetles cause trouble for farmers and people in forests because they eat crops or trees. These beetles are called pests. One beetle that hurts crops is the Colorado potato beetle. Other beetles help people; lady beetles (also called ladybirds and ladybugs) eat insects that hurt crops and trees.People who study beetles are called coleopterists

What do penguin's use their wings for?

swimmingThey use their wings for swimming. When they get in the water, they steer themselves with their wings.

What is an assassin beetle?

There are many types of assassin beetles, which are actually a group of beetles in the Reduviidae family. These beetles use their beaks to kill prey, hence the name.

What are the grooves on a beetles back used for?

There are many different types of beetles with grooved backs, and they use them for different purposes. In some diving beetles, for example, the grooves aid in their swimming ability. Some desert dwellers such as species of Tenebrionidae beetles use the grooves to collect moisture.

What does a wasp use it wings for?

Wasps use their wings to fly so that they can hunt their prey.

What do birds and butterflies have in common?

butter flies and lady bugs are alike because they both have wings , they both can fly and the are related

What animals use subterfuge?

Beetles use subterfuge to infiltrate bee nests

What kind of aircraft doesnt use fixed wings?

Helicopters don't use fixed wings