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Yes a blood test can show if one has a virus or a cold.

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14y ago

No. Unless you have other serious unusual side effects, don't worry about it. =]

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11y ago

It doesn't. A blood test is not used for either one. When a blood test is taken they are looking for something else.

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How is a common cold diagnosed?

There are no laboratory tests readily available to detect the cold virus. However, a doctor may do a throat or nasal culture, or blood test to rule out a secondary infection.

I had a rapid HIV test about 2 months after a possible encounter with the virus the test was a rapid blood test and the result was negative how accurate is that?

It can take 3-6 months after exposure for the virus to show up in a blood test.

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2 weeks after sex at the earliest

Can you find out if you have hiv through a diabetes blood test?

NO, in fact a normal AIDS test doesn't even test for the virus itself, it test as to whether or not your body is making the antibodies to the virus. a HIV, AIDS test is separate from other blood tests and must be asked for specifically.

How many months to take it to hiv blood test?

Wait 3 months after exposure to test for the virus.

When drawing your blood is there any signs possible that you can have hiv?

No there is not. You must be test to find out if you have the virus.

In what year was a blood test to detect HIV founded?

The first test licensed for HIV testing was the ELISA test in 1985. ELISA detects antobodies to the HIV virus, which indicates that the person has been exposed to the virus.

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Compton metabolic profile test are the test which are carried out to predict health status of herd or individual animal by assessing the biochemical constituents of blood.

If you did blood test and your blood is normal can you have a chance that you are infected with AIDS?

Certainly. Only a test which is specific for detecting HIV, the virus which causes the disease AIDS, can tell weather someone is infected with this virus. It does not show up a a by product of some other tests.

Which blood test may confirm infectious mononucleosis?

A mononucleosis spot (or Monospot) test is a blood test used to determine whether or not you are infected with the Epstein-Barr virus, which is the organism that causes infectious mononucleosis.

How can you find out if you have viral infection?

Usually through a thorough blood test to check and see if you do have the virus.

Can I have dengue fever blood test if I am having menstruation?

Yes. Menstruation will not affect antibody levels or actual virus in the blood if you are infected.