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To Help Know What Day It Is

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Q: How does a calendar help people?
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Related questions

How do you create a yahrtzeit calendar?

A Hebrew calendar website can help you with that.

Who were the first people to add leap day to the calendar?

The Romans by Emperor Julius Ceasar with the help of his astronomer,

Why did the Aztecs use the Calendar?

Calendars are useful for farming cultures, as they help people know when to plant their crops.

What did the Mayan's use to help create a calendar?

The Mayans used the sun, moon, and stars to help them create a calendar.

Why do we the people use a calendar?

People use a calendar to keep them informed about the date and future events.

Who were the first people to discover the twelve month calendar?

The Mayans were the first people to make the calendar.

How did the calendar help Ancient China?

The calendar helped Ancient China because the calendar was used to know when certain rivers would flood.

What are the benefits of a calendar?

to help us in the future

The 365-day calendar was a contribution of the ancient civilization of?

The ancient Egyptians had a 360 day calendar, but i do believe they were the founders of the 365 calendar. Hope it help :)

Did the Rosetta stone help understand the Egyptian calendar?

no, it only helped the scientists now discover how the pharaohs of Egypt did good things for the people.

Can a calendar keep you sane?

No. But it can help to organize your schedule.

What is an agrarian calendar?

An agrarian calendar is a farming calendar. School's still use this type of calendar, it is based on planting, and harvesting. This is why schools had summer vacation. Summer was when children were needed at home to help with farming.