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Q: How does a camels body maintain homeostasis when sick?
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When you get sick how does your body attempt to maintain homeostasis?

By sick - if you talking about getting the fever then your body tries to maintain the normal body temperature which is 37 degree Celsius by increasing the metabolic rate.

What organelle regulates homeostasis for the cell?

Not one certain organelle controls homestasis . homeostasis is when your body is normal or in balance . so if your sick then your body will reguratate also know as throwing up . your body does this to get the bad toxins out so your body can not be sick so in other words its maintaining homeostasis.

Why is it important for mammals to maintain a constant body temperature?

Homeostasis means your body regulates things like temperature, for example. If our (or any animal's) body did not maintain hoemeostasis, then everything would be out of controll, and we would get very sick, very fast.

What problems may arise if homeostasis is not maintained properly?

The problems that may arise if homeostasis is not maintained properly is getting sick or not able to recover from an injury as quickly. Homeostasis helps to keep the body in its best condition.

Why is vomiting a way for a body to reach homeostasis?

Because during digestion we require and have more blood flow to our stomach. When we vomit it allows more blood flow to our vital organs where it is needed. For example if you cut an artery in your leg and start loosing large volumes of blood, you feel sick and vomit, because your body needs more blood to your brain and vital organs to maintain homeostasis.

How does a virus disrupt homeostasis?

When you get sick, you will start caughing or sneezing, then it disrupt homeostasis

Do camels eat manure?

No they'll die if they did or get very, very sick.

Do people in deserts eat their own camels?

No, They do not. Please this would be very sick.

Why you need homeostasis in the body?

For optimal survival. It's the bodies way of performing "checks and balances". Without it, one would end up sick or in danger of losing their life.

If you are sick and have fever is your body in complete homeostasis?

This question does not quite make sense because homeostatsis is the maintence of stable internal organs despite conditions on the outside. But, trying to answer your question,no, because the organs are not affected.

How does too much basic affect your body?

Too much, or too little, of any of the basic needs of the body affects its overall balance. The balance relates to the metabolism of all the processes working together and is called homeostasis. Without this balance we get sick or die.

What happens if homeostatis is not maintained properly?

Homeostasis is your body's way of keeping things like temperature and blood pH level within acceptable ranges. What happens when you fall out of homeostasis depends on what system fails. For example, if your body produces too much insulin, it will take too much sugar out of your blood which may lead to loss of consciousness or death if left untreated. Any homeostatic system that fails is likely to cause death after a period of time, if left untreated.